Monday, November 29, 2010

Make your home energy efficient- Vastu Ways

Make your home energy efficient ( Article published in DNA newspaper on 27.11.2010 written by Nitien Parmar, Vastu consultant, Mumbai)
Energy keeps changing every minute and due to this the solar energy and magnetic fields are found to be having a strong influence on our environment and physical body. over a period of time, it is quite common to accumulate aura, which could contribute towards creating blockages and stagnation not just in your personal life but even affect your business and career.

the human aura
we are exposed to much higher levels of magnetic fields emanating from electronic gadgets, computers and our compulsive use of mobile phones. all of these have a strong influence on our energy fields and aura surrounding us. the aura of a person is of immense significance to the person's well being, especially good health and mental peace. the ground values of Vaastu Shastra are not based on myths. even science proves that our surroundings are based on two aspects, which are emitted by different auras; one is positive and the other is negative. this aura is nothing but the "energy field" around a person, which may vary on a daily basis, depending on the person's activity, mental state, and immediate surroundings.

energizing living spaces
any new thing enters in our life only when we create space for it. only when we re-energize our living space will we have the benefit of new beginnings along with success, prosperity, and peace. vaastu mitigates such obstacles through periodic re-alignment of your environment, which ensures that any kind of energy blockages are identified during the process of Vaastu corrections and corrective measures adapted and fine-tuned. energy efficient techniques are a dynamic way to energizing your home and environment with positive vibes.

energy efficient techniques
construction of flats as per Vaastu is not that simple. the number of flats in one complex with a common wall makes it difficult for builders to make them vaastu compliant. from a buyer point of view, harmony (Vaastu) and beauty (architecture) literally play a major theme while taking a decision for the new home or business place. whether a person buys a home or a business location, it is immensely valuable to know the vibrations of the property being purchased. a buyer should focus on the properties that will bring tranquillity, beneficial energy, abundance, and good prosperity.

demolition is not necessary
in 75 percent of the existing house or business places, there is no need for major demolition or reconstruction for Vaastu corrections. the beauty of Vaastu is that you can benefit by incorporating minor changes, which make major changes in your life.
there is a general opinion that vastu correction cannot take place without breakages or demolition, but it is not the actual case. one need not do major structural changes. though Vaastu application is extremely easy in the planning stage of any construction, yet fully constructed premises can also be modified and tuned using the vaastu techniques.

applying vaastu techniques
in modern living, where the environment at a macro level is highly influenced by many factors beyond our control, micro level energy correction done with empowered remedies can effectively bring in and retain health, wealth, harmony and happiness in the life.
if rightfully observed, the art of Vaastu can do wonders to the ambiance and aura of your home and office. it can strip off any unfavorable vibrations that block the natural course of enthusiasm and tranquillity in the home.

during construction and renovation
Copper and crystal, bricks can be installed at mother walls as well as in the walls of individual rooms to make premises free from vaastu defects.
Holy water and vaastu energizers can be installed in the flooring at the northeast corner to enhance water element.
Copper pyramid arrows can be used for virtual shifting of wrong placement when there is no possibility of a physically shift.
Copper pyramid clockwise arrow can be fixed on anti clock opening of the door as a virtual correction.
Various crystal angels can be used for the health, relationship or financial matters.
Wooden symbol pyramids can be fixed for more south and south-west opening at the premises.
Colors are also used to shift/attract/push the energy as per the requirement and direction of each room.

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