Friday, December 29, 2006

Prime importance of Main Door Entrance in Vastu Shastra

Main Door – Prime importance in Vastu Shastra

According to the Vastu, Main door or Entrance of home, office, Industries or plot has been accorded prime importance as it lets in or keeps out the vital life-giving force that promotes health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and good luck.

Urja (energy) enters in the house through doors and windows. However, the Main Door (front door) of your house is where the major part of energy enters and therefore this door plays an important role in determining the flow of vibrations experienced by the household. The main door is of great significance in vastu shastra as the entrance is considered to be the opening of a home (apartment or villa). The main door is a door of opportunities, hence it should be attractive, inviting and well organized. Garage door or back door are not considered as the main door.

It is auspicious to have a main entrance in the positive block according to vastu grid layout. Wherever the entrance of any home or building is in the positive location, the residents enjoy better health, increasing prosperity, and harmonious relations with others; but wherever houses are facing in negative zones, vastu correction/remedies are necessary to avoid negative impact. Correction of a door in the negative zone can be rectified with simple vastu remedies/corrections under the guidance of experienced vastu expert. Home with the best (good) entrance is always in demand by home buyers.

Following house has the main door in the east ( zone of victory). According to Vastu purush grid, it makes family enjoying a happier life, abundance in business or job & harmony all the time.
main door entrance vastu

Key points for the Main door (Front entrance) as per Vastu Shastra:-
1. The door should open completely. It should not have any obstacle while opening a door. Some people keep a shoe rack or small cabinet behind the door which obstructs the door to open at 90 degrees. The cosmic flow of energy does not enter into the house completely. A short supply of a positive flow of energy will lead to limited opportunities and poor luck to the occupants. Make sure that your house opens at 90 degrees paving a way to the energy to circulate in without any hindrance.
2. This house should not have any cracking sounds from hinges on the opening of the main door. It is “Swar Vedha” (Sound obstacle) according to vastu. A sticky door may indicate that something is not working in your life or that you feel stuck or irritated by something.
3. The entrance area should be neat and clean and avoid having a dustbin, dried plants etc near the entrance.
4. Your main door should open in a clockwise direction. Door opening in anti-clock direction causes a delay in your personal and professional work, slow progress and difference of opinion among the family members. Install or Fix a three copper pyramid clockwise arrow on the door as a virtual correction. You can also conceal the same under the ply of the main door.
anti clockwise arrow vastu
Clockwise Pyramid Arrow

5. The main door should not have any cracks. As per Vastu Shastra (vasthu shastra)  it is indeed very inauspicious to have the main door in unwelcoming condition.
6. The entrance door of the house should be larger than the other doors inside the house.
7. When one enters the house, there should not be a wall in front of the entrance. There should be a door that opens to the next room or open space immediately after entering into the room.
8. Any shadow e.g. shadow of a tree, building, Temple, religious place etc. should not fall on the main door.
9. The main door of the house should not be below ground level.
10. There should not be an underground tank, septic tank, or canal under the main entrance. There should not be any abandoned, wrecked buildings in front of the main entrance. Such situations are highly inauspicious.
11. There should not be three-door in the straight line looking from the main door
12. Inauspicious pictures should not be on the door.
13. Doors should have thresholds preferably made in the marble or wood.
14. Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but be placed in the cabin near the entrance.
15. Anything connected with your religion, such as a yantra, an idol, copper swastika, across or scriptures from the Quran should be placed above the front door.
16. Display your nameplate (metal/wood/ceramic/acrylic) according to the entrance direction with the advice from Vastu expert.
17. It is auspicious to hang a vastu bell on the door handle from inside to attract money luck.
18. Arch design should be avoided on the main door.
19. Avoid the mirror facing the main door.
20. There should not be an overhead beam above the main door or entrance.
21. Location of the staircase outside the door may be positive or negative based on the directions of the same.
22. placing a good doormat and potted plants are sure ways to improve the entry zone of your house.
23. External vastu facing the door i.e. the location of the river, ponds, religious place, mountains, tall buildings, T junction, Dead end, swimming pools etc. also play an important role on Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Relationship, Peace, Harmony and Success to the occupants.
24. Main Door Shouldn't make any Crackling Sound if it does it needs to be Fixed Immediately.
25. Main Door Umbra Patti should not be Broken or Cracked Its needs to be fixed Immediately as its considered a Major Vastu Defect.

Energizing/Protecting  the Main Door 

(A) Place a Brass Pyramid or Copper Pyramids  ( Copper Pyramids are 10x effective ) under the main door plate to refine the energy entering to the home. Defect on vastu entrance at south or Southwest can be cured by using lead pyramid or lead helix. Defect on vastu entrance at west or northwest can be corrected by installing. brass helix Defect on vastu at north or northeast is corrected by fixing crystal pyramid and zinc pyramid. Defect on vastu entrance at east or southeast can be rectified by using copper pyramid, copper helix, and jasper pyramids
vastu door brass pyramid
Door Pyramid 

(B) Fix or Conceal Nine copper door chips in the main door frame for an incorrect or inauspicious location of the front entrance.

copper chips vastu remedies items product
Door Vastu Pyramid
(send your house map via email to get a professional opinion or consultations by vastuplus team)

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant   )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

Read article on how Negative people & negative environment impact on your life.


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sameer said...

my house is on south facing main road. what should be my entrance, south-east or south-west

shobhit.cfp said...

plz guide me where shud the main door open inside or outside and why

Sapna said...


We have seen a rented house and there are some stairs, right in front og the main door. The the house is on ground level. the door is not in the middle, but on one side. about 3ft from the main door, there is a staircase, which takes u to the other apt in the complex. when i come out of the house, the stairs dont face me,they are perpendicular to me.So when i come out of main door, I see the railings of the stairs. is this ok?

Manju said...

Please give me a suggestion. We are shifting to a apartment where the total building faces Eastern side.
But the main door of us faces West. Can we live there ? Guide us.

Vastuplus said...

The main door should open inside only in clockwise manner.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Sapna,
We need a direction to guide you

Vastuplus said...

Hello Manju,
main door can be on west side but should be in positive zone. Avoid door at south west on west side

ADM said...


Planned to purchase flat in first floor(Basement+ground floor+ first floor),Flat on the plot-north east,according to flat plan,north east-children room,kitchen-south east,master bed room-north west,main entrance of the flat-south west.

Please suggest me.

Vastuplus said...

Your entrance location at south west is not in a positive zone. Also master bed at north west is not a strong position as per vastu. Also basement is not good as per vastu if it covers the entire area. We do not recommend to buy such property.We suggest to buy this property if alterations are possibl.

ravi said...

my office complex is north east facing. but my office main door is south west facing. Main door is on the right side corner of the office. my business is portfolio management and fund management. kindly advice some steps

Vastuplus said...

Your main door at south west need a vastu corrections as this falls in type-one Major vastu fault. You need to enhance the opposite direction i.e. northeast with vastu energizer and cure the south west with vastu lead pyramids.

Devang said...

Hi; Can you please explain how Door Opening is counted while entring the house or while levaing the house. We have seen one place while entring my face is towards south so what entrance it will be counted

Vastuplus said...

Hello, When you exit from the house outside direction is called a door facing. So while making exit from houseif outside is south it is called south facing

yashi said...

i need suggestion that in a house east facing on main road where should be the main enterance??

yashi said...

i need suggestion that in an east facing house on main road where should be the main enterance?

Vastuplus said...

Hello, Make a 9 part of the east facing direction. Put your door at 3 and 4th zone towards north east side

Myself said...


I have placed a name plate on the wall facing north-south direction. The name plate has a small ganesh idol. Is it fine to place a ganesh idol in north - south direction (facing - south )

Vastuplus said...

Yes, Ideally ganesha should be placed facing east or west.

HI said...

The door should open clockwise means how? the lock or closing is to right when we close or open. The door is north facing

Vastuplus said...

When you enter in to the house , the door moves in to clockwise direction.

Unknown said...


Our main door is in the south-west portion of the house and faces the south west direction. We cannot place the main door to the northeast or east as they are all blocked. Which other direction will be beneficial?

Thank you

Vastuplus said...

Make a nine equal part of west side and put your door on 4th part from south.

hari said...

Hello Sir,
I am purchasing a flat in 1st floor with the main door of flat facing south which was said as good based on my zodiac sign(vrischika). can the main door be placed 2 feet away from east side facing south?
on entering there is a hall and then a room wall(10 feet dist) opp main door. is that ok?
pls advice.

Vastuplus said...

Vastu Shastra is an independant cosmic science. We purely advice based on directions and flow of energy. We do not recommend on astro based vastu. Internal placement in the house is also important in this case.

Vastuplus said...

Vastu Shastra is an independant cosmic science. We purely advice based on directions and flow of energy. We do not recommend on astro based vastu. Internal placement in the house is also important in this case.

hari said...

in your blog you have mentioned its preferable to have a door opening to another room facing the main door inside. is it ok to have a room wall 10feet away from main door inside or its alway better to have a room door there?

Vastuplus said...

10 feet distance from main door is fine

hari said...

Thanks Sir. Read through your posts and I am better aware now.

I heard that the whole flat or building should be behind the main door. I saw a case in a flat where there was a staircase from ground floor which was inbetween the flat such that it seperated the main door and another room. it was like stairs is between main door and anotehr room of same flat. Is this a very bad vastu?

Vastuplus said...

It is important that staircase should not fall in north east and centre of the house. There are many other important tenets related to the staicase and its location

Vivek Khandelwal said...

I've checked 2 flats & have to take 1 flat on rent. The flats are in Dubai hence please mention if the Vaastu concepts hold good globally or is only for India.

Flat 1: Entrance - North Facing (when we step out we face north), Balcony: South West, Kitchen: North West, Bedroom - South East, Toilet / Bathroom - North East (Bathtub in north east corner)

Flat 2: Entrance - West Facing (when we step out we face west), Balcony: North East / East, Kitchen: North West, Bedroom - South East, Toilet / Bathroom - South West (Bathtub in South West corner)

Kindly suggest which is a better flat & if any remedies needed.


Vastuplus said...

Hello Mr. Vivek,
Yes vastu is applicable for whole world. We have many client in duabi for whom we have given vastu suggestion.
North facing direction at north and north is always good. Please clarify on this.
So better if you send floor plan to evaluate and guide you better
vastuplus team

sicily mukherjee said...

I am about to purchase an apartment that has windows in the south-west wall in all rooms and 1 bathroom in north and the other in north-east portion, is that bad as per vastu?if yes what can be the remedies?

Vastuplus said...

Hello, More windows on south west means your energy sourcing zone is closed (North & East) where are energy deposit area is open. Toilet at north and north east is a major defect according to vastu. You need to do a vastu correction using balancing techniques. You can mail us a house map for suggestions on remedy.
Best Regards
vastuplus team

Unknown said...

Hi, i would like buy a flat of east facing. The main door is just one feet away from lift and have bedroom wall opposite at 11 feet distance. is it acceptable?

Amy said...

Hi Sir,

I just brought a house recently. It is a South facing house, the front door is facing South east. The guest bedroom is in the south west portion of the house. The master suite is on the top floor and is in the west portion of the house with bathroom being in the southern part and bedroom in the north west.

Kitchen is in the mid western part of the house. The staircase is in the mid east part of the house.

Does this seem good as per vasthu.


Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Srikanth,

Please inform is lift is facing the door or it is on the side of the main door.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Amy, South west being a master corner should be used by owner of the house. Guest bed room should be at north west. Location of door at south east at south zone is ok. Make sure that upper toilet is not above the south west master bed

Gopalakrishna Sharma said...

Our main door faces North and is in North East corner. We have staircase in front of our door which goes from east to west. As soon as we come out of house, we see the staircase grills. Staircase is perpendicular to the main door as in we see the grills and not the steps. Is it good to have such an arrangement?

Vastuplus said...

Hello, As per vastu lower level at north and east is auspicious. We need a layout with staircase marking to give a correct advice

Niraj Jani said...

Hello Sir,

I am planning to buy a flat at 10th floor. It has main door North-West facing. Door opens inside in clockwise direction. After entering into flat, living room is in South-West, Kitchen is in North-West where cooking can be done in same direction, Master bed-room is towards west and guest bed-room is in North-West direction. I am planning to put Lord Ganesha or Devi Lakshmi on my main door. Door color is brown.Is this good according to vastu Shashtra? Do I need to make any alterations? Will look forward to your valued suggestions. Thank you.

Unknown said...


We have purchased a flat in dubai & is about to move in.I was going through your site and im having few concerns.
Our flat is in 3rd floor: Entrance - South Facing (when we step out we face south), Main door is toward the south west not on the corner but bit away from the center and towards west.Main door is opening anti clock wise direction.Balcony: North east & North west,Master bedroom North -West.Kitchen: South East, Bathroom - South west (after the Main door & towards the end in the soth west corner.Im worried that i will not be able to change the main door location Pls suggest some remedies.Waiting your earliest feedback.

Unknown said...

Respected Sir,

My family has just rent and move in a flat which has door opening outwards. Is there a cure according to vastushastra or should move to different flat. The community I live in USA has 2 level(ground and first floor). All flats on 1st floor has door opening outwards except ground level. Please advise. Thank you.


prasad said...

hello sir,

can you please take a look at the house which is at 235 Ferne Way, Palo Alto CA and let us know if the south east facing front door and the veedhi sula are things we need to worry about ? thankyou

neeraj narain said...

Dear Sir,

My flat main door is south west facing and modification to plan is not allowed by builder. But all my windows are east or north east facing with ample of sunlight in whole flat. can there be any cure to main door vaastu dosha, some pyramid or some thing else.. pls. suggest

Vastuplus said...

Hello Mr. Niraj,

Your energy zone i.e. east and north are open which is a positive for your house. South west can be corrected by installing a 3 or 9 lead pyramid in the door plate. If not just near the south west zone. Make your south zone heavy by placing a natural quartz crystal.

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Jain
We request you to send floor plan on to give you a best possible solution according to vastu.

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Jain
We request you to send floor plan on to give you a best possible solution according to vastu.

RDL said...


We have recently purchased a flat which is west facing, the main entrance door of the house is 1 feet from the southwest conner. Is this good?, if not what remedy can be done?

Vastuplus said...

West door from south west corner falls in negative zone and it should be given strong vastu treatment. Place a pyramid horse shoe above the main door for protection. Enhance earth element of south west by placing a lead pyramid at south west corner from inside. Improve the counter direction north east by placing a water pyramid here.

RDL said...


Can u tell me what is water pyramid? and where can I get the pyramids from and their approximate cost?

ANAND said...

Dear Sir,
Our first property (Flat) has west facing main door, we are planning to move in this month in our house after performing the pooja. Please guide me about the name plate if it should be wood / glass / acrylic or metal. Also please guide on color combo's. Thank you very much.

Anand P T

ANAND said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ANAND said...

Dear Sir,
Our first property (Flat) has west facing main door, we are planning to move in this month in our house after performing the pooja. Please guide me about the name plate if it should be wood / glass / acrylic or metal. Also please guide on color combo's. Thank you very much.

Anand P T

Vastuplus said...

Dear RDL,

Water pyramid is a set of copper pyramid used to keep water between the base plate and to cover with copper dome. This is available at

Vastuplus said...

Dear Anand,

Use metal name plate either silver or golden

ANAND said...

Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your response. Hope copper plate with silver wordings will be fine. Thank you

Vastuplus said...

Yes, name in silver with copper base is fine

sameer dedhia said...

We have two door at my house. 1st is grilled door 2nd one is full wood door. grilled door opend anticlose wise and wooden door open closed wise. so it create +ve energy or setoff??? pls guide

RDL said...

Thank you sir for your kind response. Will surely find out from the site. Also is there any alternative for lead pyramid?

Unknown said...


Can there be a staircase perpendicular to the main door?

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. sameer,
Wooden door is treated as main door and should open clockwise. Grill door is a safety door and not considered as main door. So not to worry about this

Vastuplus said...

Dear RDL,

Lead represents heavyness and best at south west. You can get the same from

Vastuplus said...

Hello anoo,

Please send map to advice you.

Unknown said...

Hi How should i send u the map. Its a photo.

Vastuplus said...

You can send photo on

Unknown said...

Respected Sir,

Please reply to my query we just rent and move in a flat which has door opening outwards. Is there a cure according to vastushastra or should move to different flat. The community I live in USA has 2 level(ground and first floor). All flats on 1st floor has door opening outwards except ground level. Please advise. Thank you.


Vastuplus said...

Ideally house door should open clockwise inward in the house. The defect is a minor defect as per vastu and can be corrected with vastu remedies

Anonymous said...

I am planning to buy a flat. It is West facing as per the Owner. What should I look into before buying it?

sujit said...

I am planning to buy a flat.
I request your expert comment on followings
(i) east facing but placed at extreme south with anti -clock opening.Is it ok sir.
(ii)duct cut-out infront of main door after 4 ft.

sujit said...

I request your advise on following
(I) East facing flat but placed at extreme south with anti-clockwise opening. Is it Ok? Should I make it clockwise ,inthat case it will be placed on east wall 180 deg

sujit said...

Planning to buy a flat
bed rooms - 1st at SW
- 2nd at N
- 3rd at NE
Kitchen -NW
Toilets- mid south
Balconies(3nos)-2 in north ,1 in west
main entrance - east facing( at south end)
All doors including main entrance anticlockwis and northy side open south close.
Pl suggest this flat can be taken or not?

Vastuplus said...


Please go thru our article

Vastuplus said...

Hello Sujit,
Door at east towards south east is not a good placement. again anti clock door is not recommeded. We need your house map to advice on cut at any particular direction.

sujit said...

the cut is at southeast infront of main door after 4 ft. How to send the floor plan to you.

sujit said...

sir ,also suggest some remedies /correction.Is it a major defect?

Vastuplus said...

Mail us map on

sujit said...

Already send floor plan for your assesment .pl advise correction

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi, we recently rented an apartment and i'm confused about its main door direction. When I exit my house, my door opens inside the house in clockwise direction and while exiting I face north. And so, when I enter my house the door opens inside the house in clockwise direction and while entering the house I face south. Is this good or bad?

Vastuplus said...

When entering to the house, if door opens clockwise inside is a good placement. Door facing north or north east looking from inside is good.

Unknown said...

i have southfacing sight & stair case door is facing east direction while the main door facing West.
Door opens in clockwise to its full, but there is a piller at the end of hall, there is a pillor which is almost centre from the door.
help me with your suggestion if this is okay

harish said...


I am geeting a house for rent with details below,
Main Door - East facing, south-east part of the living room.
Bedrooms - 1)North east and 2)North west part of the house
Kitchen - South-West.

Is this vastu complaint?


Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Sreenath,
Please inform the distance of pillar and door.
Staricase at east blocks your positive energy needs a correction. You can mail a map quoting blog ref to

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Harish
Location of kitchen at south west is a major defect. Also door at south east zone at east is not a positive location. Avoid this house

sameer dedhia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sameer dedhia said...

hello sir,

we have made a 3 boxes above our main door to keep idol of god in our flat. i want to ask can we keep idol of god or just photo frame? if we can keep idol then of which god and godess?

Unknown said...

hello sir,
i am sanding u a plan of the flat i bought, is the door is at right position, please suggest

Vastuplus said...

Dear Samir,
You can keep lakshmi, Ganesha and saraswati

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Adarsh,

Please mail in

Vinod said...


Is it good to have main doors with single shutter or two shutter? And glass on which side?

Vinod said...


Is it good to have main doors with single shutter or two shutter? And glass on which side?

Vastuplus said...

Main door can have a two equal part. It should be bigger than any other door in the house. Glass door ? avoid if for residence.

xxxx said...

I am going to buy a house which is having a constructed with 17 Feet width(Total 20 Feet) , Length 60 Feet.
The main Door is facing in EAST side
The toilet room is located in North West side , Toilet door is facing EAST side.
But the main door is facing with toilet room door.

Could you please tell me is there any problem. Please give us a solution for that.


xxxx said...

A Small correction to be added , our main door is facing with NE side , we can say East side also


Vastuplus said...

Hello Anbu,

Toilet door facing the main door is a major vastu fault. You should relocate the toilet door. It will flush out all your income. Alternative you can fix a pyramid strip curtain on door frame of toilet

Vanapalli said...

My house is east facing and we have a garage in the SE and the main door in NE. So i leave home from NE door and then enter the garage from outside. Is that ok as per vaastu ? ALso can we have steps opposite to the maindoor ? Our steps are on the western wall opposite to the main door in the eastern wall ??

Vanapalli said...

My house is east facing and we have a garage in the SE and the main door in NE. So i leave home from NE door and then enter the garage from outside. Is that ok as per vaastu ? ALso can we have steps opposite to the maindoor ? Our steps are on the western wall opposite to the main door in the eastern wall ??

Anand Mohan Eluri said...

Our main door faces East and is in North East corner. We have staircase in front of our door which goes from South to North Clock wise. As soon as we come out of house, we see the staircase grills. Staircase is perpendicular to the main door as in we see the grills . Is it good to have such an arrangement?

Vastuplus said...

Hello Vanapalli,

You are following correctway. Always use north east door. Steps should be going down towards east.

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Anand, Please note that stairs should be going down from south to north. According to vastu, slope towards east , north and north east is auspcious. Hence the stairs going down from south to north is good. Other wise it requires cure

Unknown said...

i install 2 plate door. how it's effect.

Vyshnavi said...

What are the remedies if a house has SW facing door if there are no other options of making changes structurally? Can a different entrance be used to enter the home?

Vyshnavi said...

Both the garage and main entrance face SW. Can one enter thru garage and then enter the house through an other door from garage. will this work? Plz advise.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Vyshnavi,
South west can be cured by installing 9 lead pyramid in south west zone. Try to use main door after parking car at south west

rajeev said...

if the main door is partially hided by outside stairs, is there any problem? Also, if the main door and then inside bedroom door comes not exactly in line, is this problem. Also, can we have bedroom door and puja room door opposite to each other?

jj said...

Is it bad to have a staircase in front of the front door?

jj said...

is it bad to have staircase in front of front door?

rajeev said...

Dear JJ
Many people told be that staircase should not come in front of main door, so i want to confirm with Vastuplus expert urgently.

Vastuplus said...

Location of staircase in front of main door at north, north east or east is good as per vastu. Other should be cured with strong vastu remedies

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Rajeev,

Bed room door and puja room door facing each other is not an issue. Main door should not have any obstacle

rajeev said...

As you told that main door should not have any obstacle. Can you clarify that if half of my main door is hided by outside stairs (in front of main door), whether i need to rectify this?

Vastuplus said...


We would like to inform you that you should easily enter to the house. The door should open completely and should not have any obstacle. You should move easily inside

Tulip said...

I need to know if the staircase to the other floor can fall right in front of the main door? Is this Ok or not acceptable as per vastu ...

Vastuplus said...

Hello, direction of staircase and your door is required to answer your query

Kamal said...

Our flat (Main door) is south facing n it opens anti-clockwise. All the rooms have windows in east. Kitchen also have window in east only. Balcony is also east facing only.

Kindly suggest on it. Whether its plus points as per vaastu dominates over negetive point (as per vaastu)??

I'll be realy thankful for your inputs. Its realy needful here.


Unknown said...

Hi Sir.. We are buying a new home..for which we paid advance alredy.. door falls in southwest not to the very corner of the house..but its southwest... could you please tell me any remedies to it..

Unknown said...

Hi Sir, We are buying a home for which Main door falls in SouthWest direction.. not in the very corner but on south of southwest direction. Please suggest me remedies for the same.


Vastuplus said...

Hello Kamal,
Please note that entire south is not a negative as per vastu. There are some zone where you can put your main door. Anti clock door can be corrcected by installing copper pyramid arrow on main door. This is virtual correction.
Your energy zone- east has many window and this is a highly positive.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Sravanti,

South west door need very strong remedies. Use pyramid made of lead at south west corner. Also heavy rock quartz crystal at south west zone will help you to protect from negative placement. You can mail us map on to suggest you some additional counter remedies

Kamal said...


We are planning to purchase a flat with south facing main door(south-west), but all the windows are east facing. Kitchen's windows is also east facing. But Kitchen's utility door is south facing.

Although Apartment's main entry is north facing.

Kindly advise on above flat.

Kamal said...


Sir your reply is very needful for us.
Please advise on the purchase of above flat.


Vastuplus said...

Hello Kamal,

Door with south west entrance should be avoided. You have said that apartment entrance is on north- is this entrance is shared by other owners also?

Kamal said...


Yes sir, north facing main gate is a common enterance for all the flat owners.

But this is the only apartment coming in our budget. so using the remedies would be effective one??

Also its all the windows are east facing, as u said the highly energy zone.

Please advise.


Vastuplus said...


We generally do not recommnd house with south west entrance. Yes, correction can be made for any premises but the effect may vary. Eastrn window are good but please note that entrance is mouth of energy. It should always be in auspcious zone. You need to make strong correction if going for this premises.

Moudgalyasa said...

How many steps should be there to reach main entrance? Is it even or odd?

Vastuplus said...

Hello, odd is adviced

swathi said...

Hello Sir, my name is Devi. We are buying house facing NorthEast direction (Road on north east side). (Actual door is towards East on the front side). Everything is according to vast on 1st floor but on 2nd floor there is a bath room above the entry way 3 feet from the main entrance. Could you please advise what effects this may have.

swathi said...

In reference to above comment, this is a duplex home.
If there is a problem with bathroom in that location
1. Can we just lock that room and not use it at all? is that ok?
2. If that is not enough if we remove toilet bowl and just keep bath tub and lock the room. is that ok? would there be any effect?

Vastuplus said...

Yes, you should not use this toilet. Remove toilet pot and use only bath tub.

amit said...

Dear sir,

I have bought 1BHK flat and the main entrance is in east of south east direction and the door is opening towards south wall (while entering in house we face west & exit its east), which i think is incorrect and anti clock wise.

Kitchen window is in west and gas is on north west corner of kitchen.
my wife cooks food facing west and sink is in south west corner of kitchen.

Toilet bathroom doors we enter towards north and doors open on west wall.

Bed room is in west+north west corner. Even bed room door is facing east and opens towards south wall.

Apart from kitchen, all other windows are in north.

Kindly advise what should we do for the main door and are there any other vastu defects we need to resolve.

Please help thanks.


Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Amit,

The door location at east section of south east is not a proper placement. Also anti clock door need a correction by installing a copper clockwise pyramid arrow on door. If you kitchen falls in south west or north east zone then your house has a multiple vastu defect. Such house falls below the 50& vastu compliant. Send you complete sketch on for suggestion on vastu corrections

amit said...

Dear sir,

I have emailed you the sketch of my 1BHK flat.


Vastuplus said...

DO following correction:-

Put clockwise arrow on main door for anti clock door defect
Fix 3 wooden pyramid above the main door to reduce defect of south east door
We suggest to keep rock crystal at south wall inside the bed room to cure
south west cut defect
Also keep a crystal pyramid in south west corner of bed room to harmonise
south west zone due to cut

Temple is placed correctly

amit said...

Dear Sir,

Please advise if clockwise arrow & 3 wooden pyramid is to be fix outside the main door or inside house.

Alos kindly advise where will i find the below items, how would i come to know if its good and not fake and what would be the rates, so that i dont get cheated.
1. wooden pyramid
2. clockwise arrow
3. Rock crystal
4. crystal pyramid

Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions.


Vastuplus said...


You need to install wooden pyramid outside the main door , on door frame or above. Aslo clockwise arrow to be fixed on main door from outisde.
You can buy the same from our online shop

amit said...

Dear Sir,

I have found below details from your website, kindly advise if the clock wise arrow i have selected is correct to purchase. Also kindly advise which of the below listed wooden pyramid I need to purchase and how many ?.
Also is there any special instruction while installing/fixing them on front side of main door OR we just need to fix them thats it. Also should it be in the middle of the main door or on either of the one side of the door ?

thanks for the help.

Copper Pyramid Clockwise Arrow 200 100

Kindly advise which one of the below wooden Do I need to purchase ?

Wooden Pyramid wish box with Egyptian Symbols 390 200
Wooden pyramid wish box with yantra 390 200
Wooden Pyramid wish box-Plain 290 200


Unknown said...

Hi Sir,
My name is prashanth and i am buying a duplex house built in the westfacing site and the front door is north east.
There was a stair case infront of the front door just 2 feet away and it is in the centre of the house.
As its already a build house, so please suggest me the alternative. I have paid 90% of the money. Please help me as soon as possible.


vaishnavi said...

Hello Sir,

We have liked a house which enters from the North West Side 9 (the house is facing North i.e. we enter from the North West Side). The entrance is from the Garage, with staircase to go two levels to the living, kitchen and bed rooms. Kitchen is facing North East, Master bedroom is just above the garage ( North West ) and other two bedrooms are in South East. Do you suggest we proceed with this layout

vaishnavi said...

Hello Sir,

We have liked a house which enters from the North West Side 9 (the house is facing North i.e. we enter from the North West Side). The entrance is from the Garage, with staircase to go two levels to the living, kitchen and bed rooms. Kitchen is facing North East, Master bedroom is just above the garage ( North West ) and other two bedrooms are in South East. Do you suggest we proceed with this layout

Vastuplus said...

Hello Mr. Prashanth

Virtual shifting of staircase is adviced. Fix a copper pyramid arrow to make it virtual shifting. You should fix atleast min 9 arrows.

Vastuplus said...

Hello, Vaishnavi,

Please note that kitchen at north east falls under the major vastu defect catagory and should be avoided. If you can shift and make some other changes in the house then it can be a vastu complaint. Go for professionalhelp, if you are re doing the place.

shiva said...

first thanks fr u r post lot of useful tips fr ur site , i am making house now east facing house. whn saw the sun raise in morning it will come east and south east ( Like kitchen side). how i put main door in my home ? kindly advice me i am waiting

how 2 find out the correct east side ?

16x30 size home..19 width 30 length


SUN said...

The main door(opens outward) of our house is south facing(at middle west)with a grilled south west veranda, our main gate is west facing(extreme south)at the end of the lane. The lane is around 50/70 meters long from the road.1st floor balcony is on the ground floor veranda.2nd floor main door opens inward but anti clockwise. In the North of our house there is a 5 stories building immediately with our boundary wall. In the south also there is a 4 stories building just 3/4 feet away from our boundary wall. I don’t have any option to change the main gate and the main door or the house as a whole.
Would you please guide me with some remedies?

Vastuplus said...

Hello Mr. Shiva,

Buy a good magnetic compass and mark the east direction properly. You should place your main door on 4th part of east (make 9 part at east and count 1.2.3 from northeast side).Avoid door at south east zone.
Plan entire house with vastu suggestion for peaceful life.

Best Regards
Nitien Parmar

Vastuplus said...

Hello Sun,

Introduce more earth element at south west side . You can use natural rock crystal of about 20 kg or more for strong earth energies. You can mail us a map of your house on

SUN said...

Thank you very much for your advise.I will send the map of my house soon.Your advise is to use natural rock crystal but where I can get the natural rock crystal of 20 kg or more?What may be the cost?Is it the rock boulders that used for construction?If yes then to use multiple rock or single one?

Vastuplus said...


You can buy it from vastushop It should be natural rock crystal

shiva said...

i interest to Buy a good magnetic compass can u give me the contact no in Chennai what is supplier name.


shanthi said...

Hello sir,
we saw a house which is facing southwest mean main entrace door facing southwest (when we step out from main door) and its garage(car parking) facing at southeast. can you suggest to buy this house? we rearly use main entrace door since we can go inside by garage entrance after parking our car. can you pls suggest to buy this house or not. Thanks in advance

Vastuplus said...

Hello Shiva,

Compass you can buy from

Vastuplus said...

Hello Shanti,

South west entrnace should be avoided. You are requested to send map of house on

Unknown said...

Hello Sir,

Is there any specific colour restrictions while selecting the laminates for the main door, such as to black laminate?


Unknown said...

Hello Sir,

Kindly guide there is any restrictions of colour while choosing the laminates of the main door of the flat. Is there is any issue in using black and white with texture laminate?


Vastuplus said...


Main door should always have a positive colours like ivory, wood colour, off white etc. Avoid black as well as grey colours. You can use max 10% black with white combination.

Dee said...

thank you for such an informative blog. we live a flat with a problem main door on the west wall south side. there are two doors. the front door has two shutters opening to the west. the inner door opens to the east. both doors have a circular top. could you suggest some remedy to reduce or remove the bad effects?

Unknown said...

Entrance door of my home is in south-west direction...Kindly advice suitable remedies for permanent solution of this problem.I'm really worried.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Neha,

You need strong correction for south west door. Keep north & east window of your house open most of the time. Reduce any load at north and east. Inroduce more weight at south west. Place lead spiral blocks near the main door to strengthn the south west zone. By enhancing 80% of internal vastu of your home, you can save yourself from negative impact of south west door

Unknown said...

Hi sir i am Naveenkumar,
We have seen a house for purrchase, the main door is in north-east,the door is opan in anti clock wise what to do

Unknown said...

Hi sir i am Naveenkumar,
We have seen a house for purrchase, the main door is in north-east,the door is opan in anti clock wise what to do

Vastuplus said...

It is better to make it clockwise. If not, put a clockwise pyramid arrow on main door for virtual correction. You can view it in pyramid section of

Unknown said...

Namaste Sir,
We have a south-west corner plot (our existing house) where the main door is currently in facing the west. The plot is almost like a parellelogram - 1500 sq ft (protruding in north east and south west). Now, we are planning to build the first floor and also make some changes to the existing ground floor. Given this, I would need some suggestions regarding the main door and master bed rooms. I have also sent you an email with the plan. Thank you, Praddeep

Vastuplus said...


Good plan but avoid extending house at south west. We suggest to cut off south west with wall. Even your proposal to put staircase makes extnetion to the house. Make staircase as a part of house avoiding any extention at south west or north west. Kitchen arrangement need a placement as per vastu as sink is placed at south west

shiva said...

while entering main door back side bed room should be same or nt?
because my main door back side comes half wall & half bedroom door. it's ok ? Pls help me

also tell me the exact loc of main door ( i am having 8.5feet hall excluding wall ) east facing house.


kirrpkumar said...


can spiral staircase face house main door?
can house face southwest or southeast direction? will it harm anything?

Vastuplus said...

Your main door cutoffs the bed room door which is not a correct placement.
Door on east should be on 4th part of east (make a 9 part & count from north side- door is auspicious on 4th part)

Vastuplus said...

Hello Kirrpkumar

Sprila staircase are not recommended in vastu shastra.
Door on south west is not recommened. On south- east side it should be marked with the help of vastu expert.

Unknown said...


i have my main door opening not completely in south but in south-east [between 140 degrees and 160 degrees]
so i wanna know that if there is any problem.

i have 1 more doubt that my kitchen an bathroom have an upper platform then the remaining house so, does it can cause any problem??

Unknown said...

sir we have a south west facing main entrance gate of the bunglow,also the overhead tank is above the front door in north north east direction...kindly suggest some remedies

Unknown said...

also we cannot change the gate or the bunglow at the moment..

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Rishabh

Entrance at that zone is ok.
Regarding the kitchen and bathroom at upper level, i reuqest you to inform the direction/zone to advice you on the query

Vastuplus said...

Hello (Unknown)

The location of door at south west and over head tank at north east falls in major vastu defect catagory. Kindly get a vastu expert examine the site and advice you.You need professional help in this

Unknown said...

Hello, we are looking at buying a home. The main door is in the North-East corner. There is a single pillar in front of the door. Please advise if we should go forward with buying this house. Thanks

Unknown said...

Hello, we are looking at buying a home. The main door is in the North-East corner. There is a single pillar in front of the door. Please advise if we should go forward with buying this house. Thanks

Unknown said...

Hi, If I am entering my main door from southeast, is that mean my entrance is southeast? if so is it not in a positive zone? please let me know what can I do?

Vastuplus said...

Hello Usha

Pillar in front of entrance and also at north east corner is a major vastu defect. You should avoid this

Vastuplus said...

Hello Neil,
Please mail a map with exact location of door. Simply south entry is not sufficient to reply query pl

Vastuplus said...

Kindly post yur house map to answer your query. Main Door should open clockwise only

Unknown said...

- -
- -
------ -
- -
- -
- ------[ ]--------- E
- - main entrance
garage entrance


shiva said...

1)in house how many doors required ? like including attached bathroom pvc doors and pooja room doors. 2,4,6 r 1,3,5 like this


Unknown said...

i have house it is faceing NE and I have swimming pool is in the back that SW can you please let me know how we can fix this vastu dosh thanks

Vastuplus said...

Number of door as per vastu should be 2,6,8,12,14. IF you have a separate pooja room with door should be treated as a door. Bathroom door should also be counted.

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Anil Sharma,

Though you have auspicious entrance, the placement of swimming pool at south west creates a major vastu defect. You need to introduce a water element deeper than the existing pool at south west. There are some correction and balancing required with the help of vastu remedies. Vastu consultant will guide you to improve the other area of the house , so the defect of south west can be minimised.

Unknown said...

Dear sir,I have a corner house which is facing a little to the southeast but more toward the south one road to the south another one to the east side of the house, there is an attached garage to the west side of the house which comes out about 4 feet toward the south from rest of the building and there is an entrance door from garage to the house , in front yard which is south there is a water meter in ground where the water comes to the house, the main door is more toward southeast if you count the garage, but if you don't count the garage the door fells to the southwest. the main entrance have 2 doors 1st one is glass door open not clock wise out side 2nd one is wooden door opens clockwise inside the house. I mailed you a map with(neilesha) ID. please give me some advise

Unknown said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

How we can contact you

Vastuplus said...

Mr. Anil

You can find contact details on

shiva said...

in pooja room it can made by ply wood kaboard with 2 door . it's also count by like a door as per vasthu ?

pooja room always 2 door , totallt count by how ?

1 main door
1 attached pvc bathroom door
1 bed room door
2 pooja room r 1 pooja room door ?

Anil's said...

Hello Sir,
We have a West facing house . The MAin Gate is on the North west corner facing the west road and the main door entrance is also exactly besides it at the North West facing west road . Each one of us in the home is facing lots of health issues from last 9 yrs.can you please suggest some solutions to this . Highly appreciate your help in this regard.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Shiva ,
When you are passing from the door having a frame , it is called a door. Two part of any door is counted as a one door only.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Mr. Anil,

You door is not a cause of poor health. Please inform us the location of your kitchen, toilet block . Also shape of your home to check any cut at north east or south west.

Anil's said...

thank you. our house sits in the centre of the plot. kitchen is in the south east direction , while cooking person faces east . we have 2 toilets , one is in the west between the 2 bedrooms , facing North and other toilet in the south and facing north . house is in the rectagle shape

raj said...

Hello Sir
i am purchasing a pent house in a plot with the road to the south. The main door of the pent house is also south west and cant be changed. i have a sitting room in the same direction and after 13 feet there is a north west opening terrace the kitchen is in the south west but can be shifted to south east .it has 2 master bed rooms in the southwest and south east direction and 2 bedrooms in the north east and north direction. it has a big open terrace in the north east.i am worried about the entrance please advice what i can do also advice if the other rooms are correctly located


Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Anil,

You have excellent placement. Use south west bed room with head at south. Since house is placed in the centre of the plot, we suggest to create a weight at south zone by placing a natural rocks in the plot. Keep a yellow agate pyramid in south west side of the south west room

Vastuplus said...

Dear Mr. Raj,

As you said, kithen can be shifted to south east then it is a good arrangement. Door need a correction. Door at south west makes earth element weaker. Get professional advice by consultant who can help you in balancing the elements.

wazir said...

My office is in the first floor. The office main entrance is towards south-west. In every step I have to face obstacles and have to face losses. I have shifted my table just opposite to the entrance facing the main door. Will that help?? Will I have to do some changes in seating arrangement for correction??

Vastuplus said...

Your entrance facing the south west is a major defect and again you have shifted your table facing door i.e. south west . This is again a mistake. Office having south west door need a proper arrangement inside the office. There are vastu energy techniques which can be applied to your space so the defect of south west can be minimised.

shiva said...

my main door up side some small window is there in teak wood, wt i fill up that area ?

Vastuplus said...

Its ok

Unknown said...

Hi , I am getting very confused regarding vastu of my flat which have booked recently please advice..
Flat main door in south west direction at 3 floor, just next to flat staircase, flat main door comes after staircase and this staircase goes up to 4 th floor.

master bed room at east north, toilet at east middle, kitchen at south east corner, one balcony at north side.

Unknown said...


Our house has total 7 doors (odd number}

Entrance main) door (1 door)
Bed room No. 1 (2 doors)
Bed room No. 2 (1 door)
Bathroom No. 1 (1 door)
Bathroom No. 2 (1 door)
Kitchen (1 outer door)
Total 7 doors

Though the kitchen has only one outer door towards wash area, there is an entrance from living room, which has no wooden frame or door. Due to space shortage only a sliding door can be placed. If it is placed this may look a little odd. What is the solution? Is there any other remedy for odd number of doors in a flat?

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