Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kitchen Layout- Query ( Vastu Shastra for Kitchen )

Dear Mr. Nitin

Sending you this Kitchen layout plan for you to inform regarding placement as well as correction for the same. Jatin Sheth

kitchen vastu

As your kitchen is located in the southwest zone of your house, we suggest to do the following correction:-

Place nine copper pyramids in the flooring for energy correction.

copper pyramid kitchen vastu
Put 3 copper arrow on kitchen door for virtual shifting towards south east.

The oven at southwest needs a relocation. Being a fire element it should be placed in the southeast zone.

Do place alternate fire element at the southeast corner of your house.

Location of the stove (fire) at east and water at the north is the correct placements. You can place a fire bowl or fire pyramid as an alternate fire element 

More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Planning to select a new home according to vastu?

Planning to select a new home?

A few vaastu guidelines for house hunters looking to book a flat on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya

Looking for just the right new home or business place, especially just before an auspicious occasion like Akshaya Tritiya, can be a stressful task. There are so many considerations like price, surroundings, size, and amenities. As Nitien Parmar, a Mumbai-based Vaastu consultant points out, it is easy to get distracted while thinking about them and not notice key features of the home and its location that could be problematic. Your future dream home may not be in sync with vaastu norms.
The first rule of thumb is to determine how the site and surrounding make you feel. We are naturally attracted to the premises that have good energy; not just good architecture, but also a positive feeling. Whether you know about vaastu or not, it is our natural instinct to go by such an instinct or a feeling.
Premises that have good energy attract more occupants with little efforts so, they are less likely to be on the market for a long period.
When you are in the process of buying or renting second hand premises, first inquire about the history of the previous occupants. If they were successful and moved to a bigger or prosperous location that is always a good sign. If they did badly, had frequent illnesses or financial problems, then more than likely there is a carry forward of problems to you according to vaastu. If it is left uncorrected it will likely affect you adversely as well.
Vastu remedies
A vaastu defect or dosha can be corrected through changes in the interiors of the house, by applying harmony colors, changing the placements, using regulators and remedies. Every vaastu defect has some kind of remedy and if taken properly, happiness and peace come back in the life again. Vaastu Shastra helps you to convert the living or working spaces in a particular order. That sets an equation between cosmic energies and the people living or working in the premises to ensure physical, spiritual and material well being. It creates a rhythm and balance in the atmosphere to ensure a better life. Given all these scenarios and circumstances, Vaastu can go a long way to assist you in creating a new happy home or a successful new business location.
Check it out
If a home or office remains unoccupied for a long time, it signifies that something is wrong with its energy. Whatever caused problems for the previous owner is more than likely going to affect you in a similar manner. Space clearing is necessary at such locations. A big question, which many people ask is, “Can any premises be corrected?” Since constructions are man-made, any premises can be corrected. Some corrections could just be symbolic and some require little or more structural changes. Vaastu Shastra offers many remedies and alternatives to make your house or business premises Vaastu compliant.
Multiple factors
In modern living, where the environment at the macro level is highly influenced by many factors beyond our control, micro level energy correction done with empowered remedies can effectively bring in and retain health, wealth, harmony and happiness in the life. In 75% of the existing homes or business places, there is no need for major demolition or reconstruction for the vastu corrections. The beauty of Vaastu Shastra is that you can benefit by incorporating minor changes, which make major changes in your life.

Our Vastu article in DNA newspaper

vastu dna newspaper
More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

How to make your home office vastu shastra compliant

Our Article in DNA newspaper 

vastu articles
More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

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