Thursday, January 29, 2015

Vastu corrections-21 Energy Efficient & Effective Vastu Techniques

vastu techniques

Vastu corrections-21 Energy Efficient & Effective Vastu Techniques 

Our 21 Energy Efficient Techniques developed by Vastuplus™ team is based on practical experience since last 24 years along with the strong research on various vastu segments. Our recommendations are always practical, simple and achievable, following long-established authentic Vastu principles. These suggestions does not require any demolitions. They help to balance and harmonize energetic patterns, neutralize any negative forces of the premises, strengthen weaker zones, optimize power spot areas and assist aspects of your life in which you wish to gain advancement.
1.  Element Balancer- Zone Balancing System
The five elements of vastu shastra work together to bring balance and harmony to your environment, whether it is your home or business location. The key is balancing the five elements so that they work together and establish a positive flow of energy in your space. Copper, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Brass etc. types on metals are used either in raw form or in the particular shapes.
2.  Energy Pollution clearance & neutralizer
Even in the most positive of house, negative energy can gather. A visit to negative sites, interacting with others can pick up a garbage in your energy field and bring it home. Whatever the reasons, negative energy gathers over time and needs to be cleansed. We use various kinds of tools to neutralize such negative aura around your location.
3.  Space purification Vastu
For your business or life to work well, it is vital to have a good flow of positive energy in and around your location. Space purification is done prior to applying vastu correction in your home. We suggest to use vastu salt, holy waters etc in a specific manner to make your site ready to apply energy efficient techniques
4.  Energy Shield
Geopathic stress due to harmful energies around the home i.e earth lines, water veins, cellphone towers etc. needs a strong protections. We use geopathic pyramids, crystal antenna etc. as a protection from the geopathic stress.
5. Energizing with Symbols 
Symbols have a connection with subconscious mind. These symbols are very effectively used by the vastuplus team since past 18 years. Symbols are used on doors, walls and rooms to improve the positive vibes.
6.  Power spot & Power center
We use energy grid to find out the financial power spot, relationship power spot, support power center and blessing spot to get desired result from the vastu evaluations.
7.  Energizing with Pictures & paintings
There are five types of paintings (five element based) –Earth paintings, wind paintings, water paintings, fire paintings and a space paintings. These are used to enhance and balance the vastu elements.
8.   Power Prayers
Prayer is the most traditional means to use subconscious power. When you honestly pray for anything, you plant your desire into mind. It will act accordingly to crystallize your wishes. We recommend financial prayers, health prayers, relationship prayers & student prayer to align your internal and external aura at your home.
9.  Energy Shifters Pyramid
Incorrect placements like the main door, bedroom, toilets, kitchen etc. may cause three types of vastu faults. We use energy shifters by targeting offending location to the desired zones. These are simple virtual tools to shift the energy.
10.  Energy Partitions Divider
Extensions and cuts in the premises cause various kind of negative or positive effects based on its direction. Energy partitions are simple virtual corrections without making any kind of demolition in the house. Result are simply amazing with such virtual corrections
11.  Pyramid Antena
Apex of the pyramid acts as an antenna & harnesses a cosmic energy. Pyramid energy have a direct & positive effect on both animate and inanimate objects. We recommend various kind of pyramids made in metal, wood and crystals based on the correction required.
12.  Space Empowering techniques-Space Lifting
Vastu Shastra maximizes the potential of space and empowers its occupants. We use mirror cladding , stone cladding or metal cladding to balance the environment thereby inviting greater health, abundance and happiness in the life. We also advice some object, statues, idols etc. so the energy make a great way to prosperity.
13. Green Zone
Plants bring a life force into the home or business location. Plants may impact in positive or negative way based on the type & direction of its location. Also creating a green zone with the plants or by using a paintings of plants, you can bring healthy energy in to your house.
14.   Marma Audit
Marma points are mystic points location within your space. Marma points are a direct connection to universal consciousness , when these points are cleared , vital energy flows more fully through entire house. After locating marma points with the help of accurate floor plan, these super power energy centre can be activated more positively for the benefit of the occupant.
15. Spectrums –Using colours for a wonderful result
Colour has some vibrational frequencies. This acts like a vitamin for the energy fields of the body as well as surrounding. At vastuplus, we provide simple suggestions for the use of various colours because each color has a different meaning and direction associated with it.
16.  Power Crystals
A magical and symbiotic connection has always existed between human beings and crystals. We suggest natural crystals in many ways, all with one single goal- to create good vastu energy around you.
17.  Tranquility Zone 
Every locations should and must have a tranquility zone where mind, body and spirit are soothed and made tranquil. We mark exact spot where this tranquility zone can be located so the energy in the house remain pure, hygienic & supportive.
18.  Clearing electrostress
Electro-stress is a vibrational energy not compatible to the human cell. When we come in contact with these man-made frequencies from household appliances, cell phones, computers, TV etc. emits harmful radiations. At vastuplus, we suggest stress clearing techniques to get protection in a very simple way.
19.  Vastu Environment
Please do not be surprised when we say that the external environment surrounding your home plays a 50% role in the vastu reading of your house. Nearby river, cannel, mountain, roads, neighbours, staircase, lifts etc. are included while we do a vastu reading for any home or business location.
20.  Sound techniques
Sound vibrations plays a vital role in the space healing process for those homes which are considered as a sick home as per vastu shastra. Sound energy is a physical form of energy that moves as a vibrational transmission through matter. We suggest to make use of singing bowl, brass bells, wind chimes and Tibetan bell for sound energy activation.
21.  Gateway to your fortune- Main Door
A good entrance-way is an absolute must for success in life. Nowadays, home or offices having a door at auspicious direction are sold very quickly at a premium rate. This is due to popularity and success of vastu shastra all over the world. Negative door can be corrected by making an alternative virtual door marking techniques used successfully to many residential and commercial premises.
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More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar Vastu Shastra Consultant
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

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