Saturday, May 30, 2015

Six Steps Vastu Consultation Process

Six Steps Vastu Consultation Process

vastu consultation process

Vastu Consultation Process

Step-1. Introduction
the first meeting will be on the discussion about the consultation/project to be done. we ask for some basic information about the site i.e. the size of the premises, location, a number of floors etc. we provide our quote based on the above information. you can select any convenient vastu service from our on-site consultation, email consultation or skype consultation services.

Step-2. Floor plan & data

we need a floor plan (accurate or hand sketch) as well as complete data of the premises and the occupant to proceed for the next step. in case of consultation via email, we ask for details about surrounding of the site i.e. road, river, mountain, electric poles, trees, junctions, religious place etc. for vastu reading.

Step-3. Compass reading & measurement
the most important part of vastu analysis is taking an accurate compass reading and determining in which direction your main entrance is facing. this is one of the most important factors while making a vastu layout for the house or office. without an accurate compass reading, vastu analysis would be guesswork. we verify the measurement provided on the map with the physical verification to have a very precise reading.

Step-4. Detailed analysis & evaluation
our detailed analysis and evaluation will be based on the application of 21 vastu energy efficient techniques developed by a team of vastuplus. these methods are very simple, easy to implement and highly result oriented. we use analytical tools like bar charts, vastu grids & vastu grading table.

Step-5. Vastu evaluation presentation

you will receive a written evaluation presentation including recommendations for implementation. generally, a complete analysis and consultation take approximately one week for on-site vastu consultation and four days for email vastu consultation.

Step-6. Follow up option to monitor the implementation
we provide a follow-up option which monitors the effectiveness of the vastu implementation.

More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant )
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Vastu Shastra Evaluation - Facing Financial Problems [Case Study]

 After shifting to a new house, I am facing lots of financial crunch with no saving since last two years. I am sending a layout for your guidance.- A. Girkar, Mumbai

Vastuplus Team Analysis
Door falling in the north zone at 350 degrees is positive and auspicious
Vastu  Grid showing vastu defects in different zones

Vastu Evaluation:-

1. Zone- North, North-East- Cut and a stove in the kitchen
Effects:- Connectivity with outside world missing

2. Zone:- Southwest of South- Bed Location
Effects:- More expenditure

3. Southwest of West-Toilets
Effects:- saving affected

4. West- Duct -missing zone
Effects:- No business gains

Vastu Corrections:-

1. Zone- North, North-East- 
-Keep sun made from Copper with Surya Yantra on the wall at eastern zone

2. Zone:- Southwest of South
-Keep a yellow money pot filled with coins, money ingot, and a citrine stone

3. Southwest of West
-Fix 3 vastu pyramid partitions on the door frame of the toilets

4. West- Duct 
-Keep the image of camel ( animal of the west) on the passage wall at the west

Vastuplus Team

More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

Friday, May 1, 2015

What's in a name? - Auspicious choices bring good luck to residents

What's in a name? - Auspicious choices bring good luck to residents
Naming homes according to vastu shastra is becoming very popular with the increase in home ownership. It gives an impression of welcoming the visitor. When it is difficult to find your home, a visitor may overshoot the premises. According to vaastu, it can indicate missed opportunities. So draw attention to your home with a beautiful house name, along with a house sign at the entrance to your property in a welcoming way.

People in western countries name their homes based on certain themes like birds, animals, locations, and trees. For instance, orchid home, cucu villa, hill view, sea castle etc. In India, people tend to name their house after the holy river, holy places, parents, god, and goddess. An auspicious and lucky name brings good luck and success to the occupants. People in such a home feel more positive and are able to attract abundance in their life.
Consider the following points before naming your home:
1. Avoid duplicating a name that already exists in your area or surroundings.
2. Use a name which has some personal significance.
3. Select a unique and attractive one.
4. Name written on the door plate should be easily readable.
5. The name should ideally have a positive meaning to attract positiveness in your home
6. Colors used in the nameplate should be selected based on the directions. e.g. east facing homes should have nameplate made in brown or green colors.
7. Like colors, the material used in making a nameplate is equally important. Metallic nameplates are very auspicious for the north facing homes.
8. Those who have an independent home or villa can display their house name near the gate and people living in the apartment may create space near the door.
Your home is one of your biggest assets as well as your shelter. A good starting point in naming your house is to ensure you’re not duplicating a name that already exists in your local area or post-code area as this could cause problems. Walk the streets, see what names are already in use and if there are any constants or common themes to the house names in your area.
Ideally, you want a name to be proud of and that has some local or personal significance. A new house name should be unique and of relevance to you or the area. Above all, any new name given should be suitable and well-chosen.
More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )
Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

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