Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Copper Pyramids Cure Vastu Shastra dosha or defects or remedies

How Can Copper Pyramids Help You Cure Vastu Shastra Dosh / Defects Nivaran / Remedies

Crystals, Minerals, Rocks, Semi-Precious Stones, Symbol and metals can have powers for energy correction, Aura Cleansing, Energy Channeling, Cosmic Awareness, Crystal Healing, Meditation, Space healing, Psychic Communication, Psychic Energy and Transcendental Meditation.
As with most of their beliefs, spiritualists have taken a true scientific property of a mineral and made it fit their own structure. Because Copper is a good physical conductor or electricity and heat, it is very close to many  Spiritualist’s belief systems. According to their practice & myths, Copper has the ability to conduct spiritual energy back and forth from individuals, crystals, auras, the mind, and the spirit world. They also believe it has the power to amplify thoughts in receiving and sending psychic communication and is used in channeling hoaxes throughout the world.

Healers base their belief in Copper’s power to heal the mind and body based on the metal’s energy conducting properties.
According to New Age healers, Copper can stimulate the flow of energy and hence move Psychic or Mental energies thereby helping the wearer overcome lethargic tendencies, resulting in a more vitalized person with amplified thoughts. They also attribute powers of communication, channeling, cleansing, purification,  increasing self-esteem and freeing the wearer from mental burdens.

Beginning in the 1970s in the United States, use of copper as a healing agent began to see an increase. People who believe in its power esteem it as a very powerful assistant with Arthritic and Rheumatic diseases, but also look to it for its healing properties in improving the circulation of blood, increasing energy, detoxification, reducing inflammation, stabilizing metabolism and improving Oxygen use.

Many of Yantra’s  Diagrams carved or engraved on plates provided a method of connecting to the spirit world in many Eastern cultures especially in India.
Because Copper is one of the oldest metals used by humans, it has played an important role in mythology. Its primary use has been as a specified metal in rituals, but it has also represented the Greek God Venus and to the Greeks, it could protect against evil and attract love.

Some latest copper pyramid version to correct Vastu defects:-
Copper Energy Plates:- Correction for the wrong location of rooms, T junction Road, Imbalance energy
Copper Helix:- Remedy for southeast Vastu defect
Copper Pyramids: Multi uses for plot correction, door corrections, irregular shape alignments
Copper Swastika:- Multiple uses for hundreds of Vastu defects

Copper Pyramids gives ten times Better Results in Our Tests than regular plastic ones.

Nitien Parmar
Vastu Consultant

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