Thursday, June 2, 2022

How to Program Your Space for Abundance and Happiness as per Vastu

 How to Program Your Space for Abundance and Happiness as per Vastu

It’s no secret that life is hard these days. It seems like just about everything has become more expensive and more difficult to obtain. In order to protect ourselves from the rampant consumerism, commercialism, and materialism that are all around us, we’ve retreated into our homes and created little “blue bubbles” where we can disconnect from it all. And in doing so, we inadvertently created an entirely new niche industry: the home automation system. 

In ancient culture, it is believed that every dwelling should follow Vastu principles, an art of creating harmony in the home. Abundant blessings are believed to flow into a space when it is designed in accordance with the five elements of Vastu shastra i.e. water, fire, earth, wind and space

In a world where most of us feel as though we are under constant attack from various forces that wish to suck our happiness out of us, why should we be happy? After all, isn’t there enough hardship in the world as is? Programming our space for abundance and happiness actually requires very little effort on our part. However, if you don’t take action now, it will only get harder as time goes by and your circumstances continue to deteriorate around you. 

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!


If you’ve ever wondered why certain flowers seem to bring joy and prosperity into your home, then you’ll love this! The answer lies in their patterns of movement and their ability to attract natural energy. Plants have been used for centuries in homes as a way of bringing the spirit of the season into the dwelling. 

Plants in your home help to balance the energies of the space, reduce negative energy, and even attract good vibes from the outside. If you're wondering what plants can do for your home, here are some benefits:

Plants have been used as a part of human life for thousands of years. They are an important part of our ecosystem and are also useful for productivity related to health and stress.  They also increase concentration, improve productivity, and reduce feelings of stress. In the home, plants can be used to reduce stress and improve productivity. 

Some beneficial plants

-Spider Plants: Spider plants are a great choice because they grow easily and quickly, and they help to reduce stress by reducing feelings of loneliness. 

- Snake Plants: Snake plants are another great choice for reducing stress because they are easy to care for and they can grow almost anywhere. 

- Jade Plants: Jade plants are another great choice for reducing stress because they are easy to grow and they are a great addition to almost any home. 

- Peace Lily: The peace lily is another great choice for reducing stress because it is very easy to grow and it does not need much attention.


Everyone understands the beauty of nature. It has been a part of us from our childhood. We have seen it growing up, played with it and for most of our adult life we have been in contact with it.

Colors are a powerful force that can either have a positive or negative effect on us depending on their frequency, intensity, and how well they are aligned on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. If you want to create more joy in your life then you need to put some thought into how you decorate your home because color plays a major role in affecting your emotions positively or negatively.

Vastu suggested  Colors are  a combination of the elements of your home. It is the exact color that will be beneficial for your health and well-being. This is what differentiates a successful Vastu practitioner from others, they know the exact effect of each color on the body and mind of the person. The best part is that you can do this yourself at home.

If you want to promote a lot of happiness and joy in your life then you must have a color that is very popular in Vastu as it is called yellow. Yellow is one of the most powerful and needed color that you can use to increase the flow of money, prosperity, and good luck.

Another colour, Blue is the most gentle and soothing color that is highly beneficial for the mind. It is an excellent color to create a calm and harmonious ambience in your house. 

Read more about Choose the Best Colours for Office As Per Vastu Shastra

Space & light

There have been a growing number of studies that have been conducted to see what affects people’s happiness levels and how we can consciously program our spaces for abundance and happiness. It turns out that the more open space you have in your home, the happier you will be. Because of this, you should invest in having more open spaces in your home. 

The greener your space in your home, the more likely you are to be happier in your space. With that in mind, you should also make sure that you have more natural light in your home and less artificial light. Natural light has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including the reduction of depression and the improvement of sleep quality. And since depression and sleep problems are both associated with increased levels of stress, it makes sense that they would be reduced when you have more natural light in your home.

So, if you want to make your home more beautiful and more energetic then you must have a look at the combination of colors, plants, lights, etc and you will definitely be amazed.

Article by Nitien Parmar, Cheif Vastu Consultant,

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