Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Comprehensive Guide On The North Facing House


North, the cardinal direction is always shown on the top. If you have observed a magnetic compass has 
North is on the top and has zero degrees or 360 degrees listed. Hence, the North direction holds importance in books for ages.

 Many people who hardly have knowledge of Vastu Shastra does not believe in the importance of directions for constructing a house, but if you are interested in knowing about North direction Vastu Shastra principles, you should definitely read this blog.

 The North direction holds importance in ancient literature and is considered the direction of Lord Kubera, the god of wealth. Hence the main door located in the North direction of the house is highly auspicious. Having said that, none of the directions are considered inauspicious, but yes, the placement of things in different directions can have a different impact on the persons living inside the house.

 As mentioned, North direction is pious but wait... Let’s first understand what is a North Facing house?

 The direction of the road near the house plays a major role in defining the house orientation. When you step out on the road next to the house, and the direction you face defines the house orientation. If the direction is North, it is a North facing house.

 Vastu Shastra has laid down some rules for locating the main entrance door of the house, which is important for making the place auspicious or inauspicious. Here is the point where the North direction facing the entrance door rules over the other directions. If you are still confused with the finalization of the entrance door placement, understand the 9 padas of the Northside. All the 9 padas hold different importance and auspiciousness in the Vastu Shastra. Place your house towards an auspicious zone as per diagram below.

  Some of the things to avoid while constructing a North-facing house are listed below. Keep reading..

       No toilets should be made in the North-east corner;

       No bathrooms should be made in the North-east corner;

       Make sure that you do not have a septic tank in the North-east corner;

     Never construct staircases on the North side of the house;

       One should make sure that the house slopes don’t go from North to South;

      Since the north direction is considered the source of positivity, no waste or dustbins should be placed in that direction;

       You can always have a pooja room in the North-east direction;

       A living room should be made in the North-east direction of the house;

       The guest room should be in the North-west direction;

       Do not make the place look cluttered in the north-east direction of the house;

       The master bedroom should be made in the South-west direction of the North facing house.

These simple Vastu tips for the North facing house make life much easier and brings peace and security in the house. Contact a Vastu Shastra expert for further consultation of a North facing house. Shastra



Anonymous said...

What about a running clean water creek running behind a home about 20ft away. The house itself is in the North-East facing.

Vastuplus said...

What is the direction of water creek and flowing towards?

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