Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Commercial & Industrial Vastu Shastra Consultation


A businessman needs good ideas. The people in the business needs good vibrations around to get all their problems solved. Otherwise, the good idea remains absent. Like the "invisible" air is must for our human body, the "invisible" energy(urja) is must for our mental body.
Efforts supported by the vastu are found beneficial for the businesses. Vastu will be a great supporter if advice is taken well in advance /before establishing an industry or business. Construction of the building can be completed without any major obstacles if vastu is taken care of.
We have seen a lot of business houses who are not able to begin their operation in time due to some or other obstacles. Also, some of the industries begin with the good show but later on they find difficulties in running their operations. Maybe a vastu defect can be a reason for this. Timely help of vastu to such industries or factory can save from bad time.

When to apply Vastu Shastra

At the time of planning a new project
Restructuring the existing manufacturing unit
If you are finding difficulty in production, employee harmony at your unit

Important points to be considered while following Vastu Shastra for Industry
Plot Size & Location
Plot Boundry
Main Entrance of the Plot & Factory
Location of the Main Machinery
Location of Cooling plant, Water tank etc
Location of Fire gadgets like a boiler, control panel, transformer, furnace etc
Location of Raw Material & Finished Goods
Worker placement
Location of Canteen
Location of Office at the factory
The direction of Septik & toilets
Colors for interior & exterior of the factory
The direction of the lower/higher zone
Dry zone/Wet zone
Roof arrangements
Staff quarters
Factory guest house
Planning of commercial or industrial premises as per Vastu requires expertise.

Nitien Parmar, Vastu Consultant, Mumbai
More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 


BIJAY said...

I have a restaurant in Canada. Our restaurant entrance door is on South side which is facing main road all the way. Entrance door is at east side of the south. Also North East side of the restaurant has fixed walk in cooler leaving about 5 feet space above it. Vaastu also says that North west corner should be open which is not possible for me at the moment. Washrooms are on the east side. How do we fix these things, could you please guide us?


Vastuplus said...

Hello North east portion should be left vacant & not north west(as per yuor mail). For detail alanysis, you can mail us the floor plan at info@vastuplus.com

chets said...

I have couple of defects and i request remedies from you since i dont have enough funds to change as of now.
a) my entrance is in south east area directly to my hall (living room)
b) my kitchen adjecent to it in north east area.
c) my overhead water tank is at north west corner.
d) my pooja place is in north east (guest room) area.
pls suggest remidies with low cost without demolitions. i have serious family health issues at home.

Unknown said...

Hello Sir, i have question regarding a lot to build a house. The front is facing northeast and it is in a pie shape, and its narrow in the front and wide in the back.

Vastuplus said...

Hello Mr. Umang,

Pie shape at north east means a missing corner. North east is a very important corner & it should be 90 degree.

Aarti said...

I have a full mirror on west wall that reflects dining table and expands the space is it alright? If not how do I correct vastu defect. Also I have a beam on dining area how do I correct the vastu defect. Thank u

Vastuplus said...

Ideally you should cover it or fix a silver harmony pyramid in four corners on mirror. Overhead beam above the head while talking a meal may affect on health. We suggest to avoid this. Alternatively you can use beam pyramids to neutralise the defect

mayur said...

Hi Sir,

I'm planning to place a fish aquarium in the north east side of my open terrace; just below this planned aquarium spot is my Pooja room, so I wanted to know is it ok to place an aquarium on top of the Pooja room as per Vasu?


Vastuplus said...

Overhead water body at north east is a vastu defect. Just avoid this.

Unknown said...


I Have Fish Aquarium, I m installation at south direction.

I have 2 Pink Shark, 2 Black Shark, 2 Golden Fish and 1 Turter.

Right now Pl. Tell me this is good for us as per vastusastra law and it will be benefit to me and my family.

Pl.tell me sir.


Vastuplus said...

We suggest to move your fish aquarium to north zone of your house. Placing aquarium in south zone may impact negatively on your financial luck

Unknown said...


But I have no choice to install at North zone, that side window, door and Passage.

Pl suggest me any other options.


Vastuplus said...

Alternate option is centre of east , else we suggest to remove the same

Shivangani said...

sir i wanted to know where should i place water element in commercial complex.

Vastuplus said...

Best place for the water element in any presmises is north east zone

Anonymous said...

Hi, is it ok to place an aquarium on the north-east axis of our hallway?

Vastuplus said...

You can place in north east zone but not over the north-south axis. Avoid large fish aquarium as it will create a load at north east.

Unknown said...

Hi sir, my house is east facing but south east is a road(agneya road sula) and south is road (dakshina road sula)
and niruti kitchen plz tell me about the remedies ..please sir.

Vastuplus said...

Please note that exact plan with exact compass degree is must to recommend the corrections. Remedies works wonder when they are used accurately. South east road with east veedhishoola schools is not a positive location. If veedhishoola is from south at south east it is considered as a good Vidhi shoola.

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