Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vastu for Industries & Corporate Business

Industries & Business – Vastu ways

Demand for Vastu Shastra is increasing in the Industrialist / Business / Corporate world. Creating a harmonious environment is just as important in your business as it is in your home, for business generates your income.

Studies prove that when the work environment is optimized, productivity increases by 50%. By utilizing vastu techniques, it can improve workers/employees morale, customer satisfaction and overall success in business.

When to apply Vastu Shastra for your Industries or Business:-

• At the time of planning a new project
• Restructuring the existing manufacturing unit
• If you are finding difficulty in production, employee harmony at your unit
Important points to be considered while following Vastu Shastra for Industry:-
• Plot Size & location:- The plot should be ideally facing the cardinal direction i.e. North-South, East-West. A tilt of 10 to 12 degree is acceptable. Surrounding of the site should also to be considered while buying a plot for the industry. Placement like Water element (river, cannel, pond ), Earth element (mountain), Fire element( electric pole, transformer) should be carefully observed.
• Main Entrance of the Plot & Factory:- Entrance of the factory which is of prime importance should be marked at the exact location with the help of vastu expert. Each direction has a positive as well as negative blocks and hence the opening of a door should be at the perfect point as suggested in the vastu plan.
• Location of the Main Machinery:- Machinery being a heavy component should be placed at a weight zone of the entire constructed part. Any heavy machinery kept at free zone will cause a poor production for the unit.
• Location of Cooling plant, Water tank etc:- Placing water body at appropriate location brings mass production with better quality. Wrong location of water element affects the quality of the product manufactured in the unit.
• Location of Fire gadgets like a boiler, control panel, transformer, furnace etc:- These are the important components of the fire element of vastu. Like kitchen in the house, electricity (transformer) is a key factor in the prosperity and growth of the business unit. Warm fire corner brings much more productivity for the business
• Location of Raw Material & Finished Goods:- Finished goods move faster if they are placed in the wind zone of the factory. This also depends upon the weight of the raw material and finished goods.
• Worker placement - Workers facing to energy direction brings much more production. Forbidden direction should be avoided as this brings a frequent absenteeism from the workers.

• Location of Canteen:- Canteen being a fire element should be placed at a proper location to have sound health of the workers and staff.
• Location of Office at factory:- Administrative office of the unit should be ideally at the master zone to have effective control over the entire unit.
• The direction of Septic & toilets:- Toilet and septic can bring serious bad luck for the unit if they are placed at the energy zone of the unit. Careful planning is required while drawing a factory layout.
• Colors for interior & exterior of the factory:- Colours can elevate or depress the mood of the people working in the unit. Based on the business activity & direction, colors should be selected carefully
• The direction of the lower / higher zone:- This being an important point to be considered while planning the elevation & floors, so energy zone are kept more open to access cosmic vibrations.
• Roof arrangements:- Slope of the roof towards the wrong direction should be avoided.
• Workers & Staff quarters:- Workers or staff becomes dominating if they are placed in the master zone. They become sick and energy-less, if placed at spiritual corners. Their rooms, sleeping directions and door entrance should be designed according to vastu rules to bring harmony at wworkplaceOther key considerations:-
• Factory guest house
• Dry zone/Wet zone
• Tranquility zone
• Road & plot boundary / Fence

Nitien Parmar

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