Thursday, January 20, 2011

Windows- Eyes of your house

Windows- Eyes of your house

According to Vastu Shastra, the position of doors and windows governs the flow of energy throughout the home. If you are depressed, moodless or unsatisfied at your home, one of the first things to suspect is a shortage of adequate lighting. In fact, people spend huge amount ensuring that they have plenty of natural light in their homes and offices Lighting through windows is natural which allows you to get better communication between your exterior world and interior world. Adequate windows allow you to feel less isolated. In addition to this, it is a source of vitamin D, which is very essential to your health.

Therefore it is important that you follow some basic guidelines as per Vastu:-
Bigger windows that let in natural light make working or just relaxing far more enjoyable. It allows you to look out at the beauty of nature. Windows are regarded as the eyes of the house. So every house need to have a bigger window to allow adequate amounts of light and energy to infuse your environment

Room with a smaller window don’t let in enough natural lights to the house. You feel tired here.
Potted plants & hanging basket plants at the window boxes can draw the energy into your home. Plant are very important as they filter the air, increases oxygen and energize a house with live positive energy. Any dried plants that you have in your windows must be discarded as they are lifeless and thus represent dead energy.

Square or rectangular windows are considered good as per vastu. Avoid arched windows which is not a harmonious design.

A situation where a window open to the east allows the sunlight to come into the home earliest in the morning. Windows at North & West is also considered good except at southwest corner which should be covered with curtain most of the time.
Colour of the curtain is equally important & can highly impact the quality of energy entering through windows. When putting curtains ensure that you get the right color according to the room. There should be a different color for children room, Bedroom as well as living area. Each room represents a different mood based on its utilization. So window curtain should always match with this requirement.

Pull all the curtains back during the day time to allow natural sunlight to give the positive energy to your house.

Many Vastu consultant recommends hanging of wind chimes, crystal etc. which are used to attract the positive flow of energy inside the home.

Nitien parmar, vastu consultant, Mumbai


Anupriya said...
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Anupriya said...

Informative content..:)

vastu for house

SUNIL said...

I have double height Sons Room in the West corner. The main door is on the NW wall in the north corner. Toilet in the SW wall adjacent to this Sons Room. The Passage from Main door leads to the Toilet door.
The Entry to Room is on the right Toilet. Is it Allowed to build Deck above the Sons Room without Windows.

Unknown said...

What are the ideal colours of curtains as per the rooms?

Vastuplus said...

Use thin curtain with light colours for the windows at east or north. Use dark colour curtains for south and west windows.

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