Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Clutter free environment to bring pure Vastu Energy

Clutter-free environment -Vastu Ways

Anything you possess, own or do that does not enhance your life on a regular basis can be put under head “Clutter”. Simply Clutter is anything disorganized, unutilized and unresolved. Clutter is those items in our surroundings that have no home of their own. Clutter is damaging because it blocks energy flow, drains mental focus and creates an unhealthy work environment. if one's physical surroundings are filled with clutter it can not help but weigh heavy on a subconscious level. Clear out the clutter and you'll create a space for new vibrant and positive energy to flourish with abundance.
Clutter creates stagnation, a lack of energy in our spaces as well as in our minds. It encourages a sense of procrastination, putting off for tomorrow what we can easily do today.

How clutter is generated? Just listen to following dialogues:-
“You are not going to throw it away, are you? You’re sure to need it someday!"

"You really ought to keep that. After all, it belonged to your great grandfather or mother. It’s your duty to save it for your children."

"That’s a perfectly good microwave. All it needs is a little repair to be good as new. One of these days you can take it to be fixed."

"Don’t get rid of those clothes. They’ll come in handy when you lose five kilos."

"Just put it in the basement or loft, You can decide what to do about it later."

How to recognize the clutter in the house?

It's very simple. just ask yourself three questions. Do I love it? Do I need it? Is it useful for me? If your answer is yes to the object then keep it & if it is no then remove it without much thought. You will be amazed at how vibrations in the house are changed too much positive after removal of clutter.
Remove or replace anything you don't absolutely like or love. You will find lots of things in your home that you will not treat as clutter just due to old memories. Take time to review your belongings, if they don't embrace you and create a sense of welcome, release them. Choose to surround yourself with only those things you love and you will begin to create a space that resonates with vibrant energy, the energy that supports and nurtures you.

Finally, you will create a space for change to happen. You will begin to create the life of your dreams.

Vastu for Prayer or Pooja room (Temple)

Vastu for Prayer or Pooja room or Temple room

One of the important areas in any home is a zone of tranquility, a prayer or meditation area. According to vastu, North east corner zone is best suitable for the prayer room or home temple. This is a place that brings us closer to our Creator. It can be considered lifting one’s mind and heart to God. Here we can talk to God about the everyday things of human life, about our joys and sorrows, our needs and wants, our disappointments and pleasures.  Prayer space serves as an escape from the chaos of modern hectic life.
Prayer and how an individual prays is often shaped by religious beliefs. But one does not have to belong to a specific religion to pray. Prayer offers us an opportunity to commune with our Creator, draw on the revitalizing power of the Word of God, and to contemplate and more deeply appreciate our lives. Prayer is an important part of everyday life.

Tranquility zone is a means of helping people attain inner peace in this crowded and busy world. It works by creating an atmosphere in which the mind, body, and spirit are soothed and made tranquil.
Best time for prayer can be at every early morning or evening, a thank you for a good day, for the warmth of the sun, for love of friends who support and assist us even on our bad or difficult days.
This is a space where human-made problems are left behind like a wet umbrella at the door.
If you do not have the space to allocate an entire room for pooja, you can set up a small temple on the east wall of the North-east zone of the house.

We all have a room for eating, sleeping, playing, cooking and meeting. What about a sacred space in the home, which is more important than above activities.

In this article, we would like to share you a few important things to consider when planning a prayer space.

Important things about prayer room vastu:-

  • Deity or image of God should be positioned in such a way that devotee faces east while praying the god. West is the second best location.
  • Place water in the copper pot in the northeast direction of the prayer zone. Change this water daily.
  • Light or Diya can be placed in the southeast corner of the prayer room.
  • Photographs (pictures) of the dead/ancestors should not be kept in the prayer room.
  • Keep this room neat, clean and clutter free.
  • Use prayer area or reading but avoid other activities like checking your phone or computer, playing games etc.
  • This room should be strictly used for prayer and meditation.
  • If you are distracted or isolated, prayer space can reconnect you with God. 
  • Due to a shortage of space, some house has small wall temple kept in the bedroom or kitchen. The small curtain should be placed in front when not in use.
  • Temple should not share the wall of the toilet of the house.
  • Keep rosary, spiritual books, meditation tools etc. which will automatically invite you to a spend good time in prayer zone
  • It is auspicious to keep a Meru Shriparni Shri yantra duly blessed in the temple. It is believed that goddess Lakshmi Ji (goddess of wealth)  is always present in the shriparni wood.
  • Being a cool zone, place a marble Kalash containing water, silver swastika &  half round pearls
  • Playing a spiritual or meditation music in the prayer zone smooths your soul.
  • A pyramid wish box  containing yantra  becomes more powerful when kept in the temple or at the northeast
  • Crystal shankh or Black agate tortoise is a powerful symbol for career or business luck when kept in prayer zone
  • Temple should not be placed under the toilet of the upper floor
  • Avoid south door for the home temple
  • Do not provide dome on the top of  the temple
  • Temple can be made in wood or marble. Avoid glass or metallic temple in the home
Yes, God listens to our prayer

Nitien Parmar, vastu consultant, Mumbai
Vastu shop plusvalueindia.com
vastu prayer pooja room

Roads - How they affect your vastu

Roads - How they affect your vastu

Certain features in your external environment can affect positively or negatively on the vastu of your building. Location of the road and open space are highly important in the vastu shastra. Let us examine how the road and surrounding affects fortune of the site owner & his family:-

T- Junction
The Situation When a house faces a T-junction, it is like a gun being pointed straight at the house.

The T-junction acts like a funnel drawing negative energies towards the house. People staying in such houses are always in troubles.

Business premises located at T junction will face instability.

We have seen a lot of business house located at T junction has been closed down in a short period of time.

The Effects
The occupants of such a house could suffer from poor health and may be accident-prone. Business premises located at T junction will face instability.

The Solution
If possible, reposition the front door or gate so that it does not directly face the road running up to the entrance.
A low fence or a hedge should be built with a gate as a barrier to the negative energies.

Vastu partition strips and vastu helix are the alternative solutions/remedies for correcting a T junction defect.

Location of Road

Building or Plot having a road at East or NorthOverall prosperity
Building or Plot having a road at South - Not Good
Building or Plot having a road at west - Average

If there are two roads surrounding the premises:-

Roads at North and East - Good Prosperity
Roads at East and south road - Good for females
Roads at South and west - Average
Roads at West and north - Good
Roads at North and south - Average
Plot having four side road - Best plot
Plot located at dead end of the road - highly dangerous

Veedhi Shoola – Approaching Road

Veedhi Shoolas 
is said to occur when roads approach the site. Some of these are considered bad while the others don't matter much.

·There are four prime road approaches, which are considered to be highly positive and there are other four approaches, which are considered to be highly negative.

The road approaching from North East of East is considered to be a very good situation because it gives name, fame, and prosperity to the owner of the house or plot.

The road coming from North-East of North is also considered good as it gives better and excellent prosperity and financial soundness to the owner. As the availability of these plots is rare they should be bought whenever found.

The road from North-West of the west is good as it offers excellent business propositions, more contacts, better friendships relations and satisfies political aspirations. Ladies will flourish and all-round happiness is present in such premises/plots.

The road approach from Southeast of South is also good as it brings good luck in finance and offers excellent financial status for the owner.

The road from Southeast of East may cause financial misery and legal problems.

The road coming from Southwest of West is an invitation to bad luck. Such location should be avoided under any circumstances.

The road approaching from Southwest of South is highly inauspicious. It may result into serious bad luck and loss of health.

The road approaching from Northwest of the north may result into instability in business as well as income.

Some Vastu Remedies to correct T-Junction Roads:-

Place copper pyramid strip (energy partition), if you have access from the south road only. This can be placed in multiple of 9
copper divider vastu remedies items product

Fix a 3 or 9  Triangular Copper Helix , if road is projected from Southeast
copper helix north east vastu remedies items product
Fix 3 or 9 Round Brass Helix, if the road is projected from North of northwest

Install 3 or 9 Rectangular lead metal helix, if road is projected from south or southwest.
lead helix south-west


Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant  )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  &  Fengshui Shop 
vastu consultant

Importance of North East Direction in Vastu Shastra

Importance of North East Direction in Vastu Shastra

Everything that happens in nature affects the life of human knowingly or unknowingly. The cosmic rays from the sun, moon and other planets also have an effect on the human body. Out of the eight directions, the North-east has special importance. The sun rises from the East, moves towards the North and sets in the West. The early morning rays are auspicious and must fall on the land we live on.

These rays, to a great extent, are absorbed by water; therefore it is beneficial to have wells and underground water tanks in the North-East direction. There should be no constructions in this direction since the auspicious rays would be obstructed. This corner of the plot should be depressed either naturally or artificially.

The treatises like “Vishwakarma Prakash” attribute special importance to the ishana angle (the northeast direction) in the selection and architectural map of the plot, construction of the house (building) and even the exterior and interior structure and settings of the rooms. This direction is regarded as highly surcharged with divine energies. This is temples, shrines and devotional meditation centers/rooms should be constructed in the northeast corner. As the Sun rises from the East, one naturally gets maximum (vital) energy from it in this direction. The northeast direction is enriched with the confluence of this energy pool with the magnetic and subtler energy currents of the earth and the etheric hole. The rishis, the Indian sages of Vedic Age had mastered this knowledge. This is why the sacred pilgrimage centers and ashrams of spiritual training in the ancient times were established in this direction near the holy rivers. We can still feel the distinctly enchanting, energizing and enlightening ambience at such sites.

Modern scientists are well aware of the vital role of the heat, light and enormous kinds of energy radiations sent by the Sun on the earth. These are the determinants of the atmospheric and other changes, energy balances and natural phenomena on the earth. Although under a different approach and in a different language, the principles and theories of Vastu Shastra thoroughly take into account these interconnected effects together with the geological and geophysical aspects. The manifestations of God or the divine powers described in the vastu chakra and invited and worshipped during the ceremony of Vastu Pooja are mostly the invocations of the energy currents and forces emanating/radiating from the Sun.
India is the land instinct with sanctity and religious rituals. Spiritual energy is actively pervading in its sublime environment, in every aspect of its culture. This is why the Vedic knowledge of vastu is also associated with religious rituals here. Thus adoption of the principles and disciplines of Vastu Shastra also helps in spiritual endeavors and growth. Many pilgrimages have been the source of attraction and uplifting experiences for millions of devotees and visitors from different parts of the globe since immemorial times. The shrines built as per the Vastu-instructions are said to work like (small or big) reservoirs of cosmic energy. This explains the emphasis laid in the Indian cultural customs upon preserving at least one room or corner of the house (in the appropriate direction) for home-temple.

As the home-temples or worship-chambers happen to be given paramount importance in a building according to Vastu Shastra, the north-east corner being the principle axis of the location of the former also gets a prominent role in archeology. The east and the north directions are of significance in the Indian culture. The Vedic literature refers to the sun as the “soul of the world” and it is also regarded as the source of vital power and health. The sun rises in the east, therefore meditating on the soothing radiance of the rising Sun in this direction in the early hours of the dawn is of great devotional and spiritual significance. The Vedic scriptures on yoga describe the extrasensory energy centers like the sahastra chakra, brahmrandhra and agya chakra to be subtly located in the north pole (cerebrum region) of our brain. Meditating on the rising sun activates these centers and thus awakens supernatural talents and powers.

The northeast direction is referred to as a sacred direction in Vastu Shastra. We should also maintain a state of cleanliness and purity in this direction in our house and workplace. No heavy item should be kept in this direction, and should also avoid keeping a broomstick or any other sanitary item there. If not used for any devotional purposes, this corner (direction in the house) may be left clean and empty even if it happens to be located in the living room or the bedroom. Keeping dirt and debris in this corner of the house is said to attract malevolent effects such as difficulties, losses, tensions in personal relationships etc. We should not forget that our rishis had taken a full measure of the dimensions and limitations of human life and had provided humanly practical remedies against challenges of destiny or circumstances. Likewise, they have also laid down guidelines to minimize or eliminate the negative effects, if any, of having a house designed against the Vastu principles.
It is important that any defect at the north east should be attended immediately. Various remedies like zinc helix , vastu mangal kalash,   are available for this cooling zone. Also applying the counter remedies at the opposite zone i.e. lead metal pyramid,  lead helix will also help in harmonizing the energy.
Click for 21 Vastuplus Energy Efficient Techniques
Click for Six Steps Vastu Consultation Process

More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 
north east vastu

Friday, December 29, 2006

Prime importance of Main Door Entrance in Vastu Shastra

Main Door – Prime importance in Vastu Shastra

According to the Vastu, Main door or Entrance of home, office, Industries or plot has been accorded prime importance as it lets in or keeps out the vital life-giving force that promotes health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and good luck.

Urja (energy) enters in the house through doors and windows. However, the Main Door (front door) of your house is where the major part of energy enters and therefore this door plays an important role in determining the flow of vibrations experienced by the household. The main door is of great significance in vastu shastra as the entrance is considered to be the opening of a home (apartment or villa). The main door is a door of opportunities, hence it should be attractive, inviting and well organized. Garage door or back door are not considered as the main door.

It is auspicious to have a main entrance in the positive block according to vastu grid layout. Wherever the entrance of any home or building is in the positive location, the residents enjoy better health, increasing prosperity, and harmonious relations with others; but wherever houses are facing in negative zones, vastu correction/remedies are necessary to avoid negative impact. Correction of a door in the negative zone can be rectified with simple vastu remedies/corrections under the guidance of experienced vastu expert. Home with the best (good) entrance is always in demand by home buyers.

Following house has the main door in the east ( zone of victory). According to Vastu purush grid, it makes family enjoying a happier life, abundance in business or job & harmony all the time.
main door entrance vastu

Key points for the Main door (Front entrance) as per Vastu Shastra:-
1. The door should open completely. It should not have any obstacle while opening a door. Some people keep a shoe rack or small cabinet behind the door which obstructs the door to open at 90 degrees. The cosmic flow of energy does not enter into the house completely. A short supply of a positive flow of energy will lead to limited opportunities and poor luck to the occupants. Make sure that your house opens at 90 degrees paving a way to the energy to circulate in without any hindrance.
2. This house should not have any cracking sounds from hinges on the opening of the main door. It is “Swar Vedha” (Sound obstacle) according to vastu. A sticky door may indicate that something is not working in your life or that you feel stuck or irritated by something.
3. The entrance area should be neat and clean and avoid having a dustbin, dried plants etc near the entrance.
4. Your main door should open in a clockwise direction. Door opening in anti-clock direction causes a delay in your personal and professional work, slow progress and difference of opinion among the family members. Install or Fix a three copper pyramid clockwise arrow on the door as a virtual correction. You can also conceal the same under the ply of the main door.
anti clockwise arrow vastu
Clockwise Pyramid Arrow

5. The main door should not have any cracks. As per Vastu Shastra (vasthu shastra)  it is indeed very inauspicious to have the main door in unwelcoming condition.
6. The entrance door of the house should be larger than the other doors inside the house.
7. When one enters the house, there should not be a wall in front of the entrance. There should be a door that opens to the next room or open space immediately after entering into the room.
8. Any shadow e.g. shadow of a tree, building, Temple, religious place etc. should not fall on the main door.
9. The main door of the house should not be below ground level.
10. There should not be an underground tank, septic tank, or canal under the main entrance. There should not be any abandoned, wrecked buildings in front of the main entrance. Such situations are highly inauspicious.
11. There should not be three-door in the straight line looking from the main door
12. Inauspicious pictures should not be on the door.
13. Doors should have thresholds preferably made in the marble or wood.
14. Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but be placed in the cabin near the entrance.
15. Anything connected with your religion, such as a yantra, an idol, copper swastika, across or scriptures from the Quran should be placed above the front door.
16. Display your nameplate (metal/wood/ceramic/acrylic) according to the entrance direction with the advice from Vastu expert.
17. It is auspicious to hang a vastu bell on the door handle from inside to attract money luck.
18. Arch design should be avoided on the main door.
19. Avoid the mirror facing the main door.
20. There should not be an overhead beam above the main door or entrance.
21. Location of the staircase outside the door may be positive or negative based on the directions of the same.
22. placing a good doormat and potted plants are sure ways to improve the entry zone of your house.
23. External vastu facing the door i.e. the location of the river, ponds, religious place, mountains, tall buildings, T junction, Dead end, swimming pools etc. also play an important role on Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Relationship, Peace, Harmony and Success to the occupants.
24. Main Door Shouldn't make any Crackling Sound if it does it needs to be Fixed Immediately.
25. Main Door Umbra Patti should not be Broken or Cracked Its needs to be fixed Immediately as its considered a Major Vastu Defect.

Energizing/Protecting  the Main Door 

(A) Place a Brass Pyramid or Copper Pyramids  ( Copper Pyramids are 10x effective ) under the main door plate to refine the energy entering to the home. Defect on vastu entrance at south or Southwest can be cured by using lead pyramid or lead helix. Defect on vastu entrance at west or northwest can be corrected by installing. brass helix Defect on vastu at north or northeast is corrected by fixing crystal pyramid and zinc pyramid. Defect on vastu entrance at east or southeast can be rectified by using copper pyramid, copper helix, and jasper pyramids
vastu door brass pyramid
Door Pyramid 

(B) Fix or Conceal Nine copper door chips in the main door frame for an incorrect or inauspicious location of the front entrance.

copper chips vastu remedies items product
Door Vastu Pyramid

(send your house map via email to get a professional opinion or consultations by vastuplus team)

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant   )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

Read article on how Negative people & negative environment impact on your life.

Fire Element Important element of Vastu Shastra

Importance of Fire element in Vastu Shastra

Agni (Fire) Sun is the most vital source of energy and light. It is the soul of the universe. Formation of day and night, charge in seasons is brought about by the movement of the Sun in relation to the movement of the earth. Fire element is related to our sense of sound, touch, and sight. It is difficult to imagine life on earth without the Sun. The Sun’s rays can be split into 7 plus 2 colors. Beginning from the very beneficial ultra-violet rays in the Eastern side corresponding to North-East, the Sun’s rays further split into violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR) and intra-red in South-East (fire corner).

Vastu direction of fire that lies midway between the east and the south is known as Agneya (south-east). Agni (fire) is the lord of this direction (vastu for fire direction). He is the preserver and defender of every being. Agni also carries the message of people who worship and offer oblations with devotion to God. Worshippers of Agni are economically strong and long living. Agni himself takes care of the people who make offerings into him. Agni also provides them with comfort, peace, prosperity, and progeny. While constructing a house, the first pillar must be erected in the south-east direction. Alternatively, the kitchen of the house should occupy a place in this direction. This is the foremost and an important rule of VAASTU Shastra. The first day of every month also represents the element fire. A warm Agneya direction makes a man healthy, whereas a faulty use makes the owner short-tempered.

Important Points About Fire Placement Fire in vastu is a key element and its location is an indicator of the prosperity of the house owner.
Fire zone  in vastu -the Southeast or Northwest (Vastu fireplace location)
The southeast is the home of the fire element and the northwest is the home of the air element. Because of the interconnectedness of these two elements, fire features should only be placed in the southeast or northwest of any room, building or property. This includes kitchens, stoves, fireplaces, open flames and outdoor cooking features. According to vastu, fire and water element are the key placement in the kitchen.
Fire in the Northeast or Southwest
A fire feature should not be situated in the southwest or northeast quadrant of a property, building or room. A kitchen or fireplace, for example, in the southwest brings conflicts and arguments. A kitchen or fireplace in the northeast will cause whatever money you make to ‘burn up’ and go away. It also brings health problems, conflicts, and arguments. Remedies like vastu helix, wooden pyramids, vastu salts & vastu fire pyramid should be used to minimize the negative effect.

Nitien Parmar, Vastu Consultant, Mumbai
Click for 21 Vastuplus Energy Efficient Techniques
Click for Six Vastu Consultation Process

More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 
fire element vastu

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vastu shastra & Brahmasthan - Center of the house

Vastu Shastra & Brahmasthan - Center of the house

The Brahmasthan, a space central to any premises is the calmest and cosmically connected place.
According to vastu, Brahmasthan is the heart of the house, and it should always be left open and free of obstructing objects. It is also best if this portion is open to the sky so that premises have a benefit of space element according to Vastu Shastra. You can see courtyards in the center of Ancient Indian homes and Indian temple design; the original examples of Vastu Shastra forbids the actual use of the Brahmasthan. While designing the house or office, do not put pillars, staircase, toilets, kitchen or any heavy objects at the center (Brahmasthan construction). These are major Brahmasthan vastu dosha.
Even in the case of factories no heavy machinery or goods to be placed at the center of the unit. It may result in the poor production as well as pile up of the dead stock.

Precaution about Brahmasthan inVastu Shastra:-

1. There should not be a toilet or bathroom in  center of the premises. Because it invites illness to the family members.
2. Kitchen at the center of the house brings frequent illness & poor growth.
3. Staircase in the center brings a heavy burden on  head of the family- financially and mentally.
4. Pillar in the center is also a serious & major vastu defect. Pillar is having a load of structure making the center very heavy which will not allow your efforts to move in to the right direction.
5. Sleeping in the center brings sleeplessness nights.
6. Clutter in the center will mess up your life. Actually clutter anywhere in the house should be      attended immediately and should be removed immediately.
7. Research oriented  vastu remedies available for vastu defect for brahmasthan are a crystal lotus,  copper pyramid shifting arrows (virtual shifting of  defect at centre), Asthakon Pyramid and many more which need to be installed under the guidance of expert vastu  consultant.

More Vastu Tips at 1001 vastu tips

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 
Brahmasthan Vastu

Indian Vastu Shastra - Globally popular - Global Acceptance

Indian Vastu Shastra - Global acceptance (Global Vastu)

Vastu or Vaastu is the oldest and most complete system of architecture in the world. The reason for its recent interest in the U.S.A, U.K., Germany, Australia, France, Dubai (UAE)  is that people are demanding a better quality of life. There’s a greater awareness now that our physical environment does affect the quality of our life. Western people are now more attracted towards the spiritual and ancient sciences of eastern countries. There are simple Vastu corrections that people can do to any structure, anywhere in the world, that will bring improvements in their lives. Vastu is gaining acceptance all over the world by business houses and individuals. We predict it will be the hot trend all over the world in the coming time. There are so many books are published all over the world, which shows the growing popularity of vastu science.

If we observe current society in recent years, there is a growing interest in the knowledge of alternative medicine and health in pursuit of a better way of life. Vastu is the latest treasure of Vedic wisdom to be sweeping across the western world. We are living in an era where are our activities are thoughtlessly dominated by economic and pragmatic decisions. Consequently, we have become more insensitive to the natural laws that govern us. We can see that when we go against nature’s laws we are chastised for our past mistakes, for example, global warming and many unnatural diseases, to name a few. The effect of our environment can make us feel peaceful or stressful. There is a great deal of stress and pressure on people these days. Modern architecture only addresses function, comfort, and aesthetics. The aim of Vastu is to create a peaceful, healing environment that supports growth and protects from non-life supporting influences, pollution and geopathic stress. By applying Vastu principles to a living and working structure, we reconnect ourselves with natural energies. We decrease negative influences and we attract auspicious energies to help maintain and increase good health, prosperity, and wisdom. During the past decade, many of the basic tenets of environmental psychology have already been incorporated into the building designs of home and offices. Now that popular media has helped to bring interior design and home remodeling into fashion, people are starting to self educate, and in this process, they are learning about the field of Environmental Psychology and the unique benefits that this field has for the human population. The fact that individuals from around the globe have opted to hire Vastu consultants to design their homes, offices, Bungalows, Villa, Factories, Industries as per Vastu.

Vastu will grow more quickly when people understand that you don’t have to start from scratch, constructing a new environment or totally remodeling a pre-existing one, to obtain life-changing benefits.

Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant | Fengshui Planner | Numerologist )

Vastu Remedies Shop online at Vastu  & Fengshui Shop 

Scientific Reason for Not Sleeping Towards the North

 Scientific Reason for Not Sleeping Towards the North In Vastu Shastra and Ayurveda , it is advised not to sleep with your head pointing to...