Main Door – Prime importance in Vastu Shastra
According to the Vastu, Main door or Entrance of home, office, Industries or plot has been accorded prime importance as it lets in or keeps out the vital life-giving force that promotes health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and good luck.
Urja (energy) enters in the house through doors and windows. However, the Main Door (front door) of your house is where the major part of energy enters and therefore this door plays an important role in determining the flow of vibrations experienced by the household. The main door is of great significance in vastu shastra as the entrance is considered to be the opening of a home (apartment or villa). The main door is a door of opportunities, hence it should be attractive, inviting and well organized. Garage door or back door are not considered as the main door.
It is auspicious to have a main entrance in the positive block according to vastu grid layout. Wherever the entrance of any home or building is in the positive location, the residents enjoy better health, increasing prosperity, and harmonious relations with others; but wherever houses are facing in negative zones,
vastu correction/remedies are necessary to avoid negative impact. Correction of a door in the negative zone can be rectified with simple vastu remedies/corrections under the guidance of experienced vastu expert. Home with the best (good) entrance is always in demand by home buyers.
Following house has the main door in the east ( zone of victory). According to Vastu purush grid, it makes family enjoying a happier life, abundance in business or job & harmony all the time.
Key points for the Main door (Front entrance) as per Vastu Shastra:-
1. The door should open completely. It should not have any obstacle while opening a door. Some people keep a shoe rack or small cabinet behind the door which obstructs the door to open at 90 degrees. The cosmic flow of energy does not enter into the house completely. A short supply of a positive flow of energy will lead to limited opportunities and poor luck to the occupants. Make sure that your house opens at 90 degrees paving a way to the energy to circulate in without any hindrance.
2. This house should not have any cracking sounds from hinges on the opening of the main door. It is “Swar Vedha” (Sound obstacle) according to vastu. A sticky door may indicate that something is not working in your life or that you feel stuck or irritated by something.
3. The entrance area should be neat and clean and avoid having a dustbin, dried plants etc near the entrance.
4. Your main door should open in a clockwise direction. Door opening in anti-clock direction causes a delay in your personal and professional work, slow progress and difference of opinion among the family members. Install or Fix a three
copper pyramid clockwise arrow on the door as a virtual correction. You can also conceal the same under the ply of the main door.
Clockwise Pyramid Arrow |
5. The main door should not have any cracks. As per Vastu Shastra (vasthu shastra) it is indeed very inauspicious to have the main door in unwelcoming condition.
6. The entrance door of the house should be larger than the other doors inside the house.
7. When one enters the house, there should not be a wall in front of the entrance. There should be a door that opens to the next room or open space immediately after entering into the room.
8. Any shadow e.g. shadow of a tree, building, Temple, religious place etc. should not fall on the main door.
9. The main door of the house should not be below ground level.
10. There should not be an underground tank, septic tank, or canal under the main entrance. There should not be any abandoned, wrecked buildings in front of the main entrance. Such situations are highly inauspicious.
11. There should not be three-door in the straight line looking from the main door
12. Inauspicious pictures should not be on the door.
13. Doors should have thresholds preferably made in the marble or wood.
14. Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but be placed in the cabin near the entrance.
15. Anything connected with your religion, such as a yantra, an idol,
copper swastika, across or scriptures from the Quran should be placed above the front door.
16. Display your nameplate (metal/wood/ceramic/acrylic) according to the entrance direction with the advice from Vastu expert.
17. It is auspicious to hang a vastu bell on the door handle from inside to attract money luck.
18. Arch design should be avoided on the main door.
19. Avoid the mirror facing the main door.
20. There should not be an overhead beam above the main door or entrance.
21. Location of the staircase outside the door may be positive or negative based on the directions of the same.
22. placing a good doormat and potted plants are sure ways to improve the entry zone of your house.
23. External vastu facing the door i.e. the location of the river, ponds, religious place, mountains, tall buildings, T junction, Dead end, swimming pools etc. also play an important role on Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Relationship, Peace, Harmony and Success to the occupants.
24. Main Door Shouldn't make any Crackling Sound if it does it needs to be Fixed Immediately.
25. Main Door Umbra Patti should not be Broken or Cracked Its needs to be fixed Immediately as its considered a Major Vastu Defect.
Energizing/Protecting the Main Door
(A) Place a
Brass Pyramid or Copper Pyramids ( Copper Pyramids are 10x effective ) under the main door plate to refine the energy entering to the home. Defect on vastu entrance at south or Southwest can be cured by using
lead pyramid or
lead helix. Defect on vastu entrance at west or northwest can be corrected by installing.
brass helix Defect on vastu at north or northeast is corrected by fixing
crystal pyramid and
zinc pyramid. Defect on vastu entrance at east or southeast can be rectified by using
copper pyramid, copper helix, and jasper pyramids
Door Pyramid |
(B) Fix or Conceal Nine
copper door chips in the main door frame for an incorrect or inauspicious location of the front entrance.
Door Vastu Pyramid |
(send your house map via
email to get a professional opinion or consultations by vastuplus team)
Read article on how Negative people & negative environment impact on your life.