Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Boost Your life-force energy with Vastu Shastra

Boost Your life-force energy with Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, as you know, deals with harmonizing the universal life force energy. There are many types of energy in a building, all interacting together: There is the energy of the building, the energy of other buildings, streets, vehicles surrounding the building, and the energy of all the people living and working inside the building.
So, when a Vastu Expert performs a consultation, he or she has to take into consideration all of these forces and make suggestions that are not only aesthetically pleasing and financially reasonable but mostly acknowledge these complex energetic dynamics. The Vastu Consultant understands what is causing imbalances or having negative effects on your life and give you directions on how to mitigate that energy and activate favorable energy.
There are multiple ways that you can boost the energy in your house or business place.
Vastu Shastra involves the intuitive, aesthetic adjustment of visible and invisible objects or factors, realigning all dimensions of the environment into a balanced, harmonious state.
Health Energy:- Practitioners of vastu & other cosmic sciences believe that to feel good, you must be surrounded by good energy. A room can have too many negative vibes if it has been unoccupied and dirty for a long time. Frequent space cleaning, bright lights, and uplifting colors can, literally, clear the polluted air. Colors are always an effective antidote to bad energy.
When our bodies are experiencing low energy, we experience fatigue or if over an extended period of time, are more prone to develop health problems. The goal of vastu is to protect your home against the negative energies and welcome those that bring sound health and longevity.
Northeast and center of the house are the areas which affect badly on the health. Any negative placement or Vastu defects should be corrected to avoid health problems.
Remedies:- Medicines pyramids, Health pendants & health symbols can be used under the expert Vastu consultant.
Money Energy:-
If you have a relationship with nothing else in the physical world, you will have a relationship with money. Go through the day and notice how almost every moment of every day is intimately connected with either the getting or spending of money. Most days you go to work to earn the money that you will inevitably need to spend.
We all have ways of creating wealth. This is why many people are interested in Vastu Shastra to improve wealth luck. There are endless symbols used in vastu as well as feng shui that have been proven for centuries to enhance wealth, money, fortune and prosperity luck. Money has its own flow in the universe. Vastu offers simple, effective and affordable tools to enhance your money energy. Every home or business place has got a financial ‘Power Sport”. Identify this prosperity corner with the help of an expert and you will be able to attract abundance and luxury into your life.
Remedies:- Sriparni wealth box, Wealth bowl, Prosperity coins, gem tree, and jade crystals are widely used to attract the money luck.
Relationship Energy:-
Relationships and partnerships are often fragile things. We want happiness in life and having a loving relationship is generally somewhere on the list to achieve that happiness. Treat the relationship area of the home with respect by using harmony colors, paintings, and objects.
Remedies:- Rose quartz stones, relationship ducks & harmony pyramids
Every Day Vastu
Cleaning up clutter can help you to relax. We have some tips for when you "need an extra boost of energy for a particular project or day to day life.
• Hang a metal bell or windchime in the room or over the work area and ring it now and then. Some vastu & feng shui practitioners say windchimes foster creativity.
• Play some uplifting music.
• Energetically treat the room by clapping, especially in corners and closets.
Always remember that people, as well as spaces, needs fresh energy in order to feel good and perform well. A few suggestions for raising personal vibrations:
• Create something new
• Clean your personal space or just a personal drawer.
• Place fresh flowers in a vase
• Explore some part of your town & nearby city or area you are not familiar with.
Nitien Parmar, Vastu Consultant, mumbai

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Windows- Eyes of your house

Windows- Eyes of your house

According to Vastu Shastra, the position of doors and windows governs the flow of energy throughout the home. If you are depressed, moodless or unsatisfied at your home, one of the first things to suspect is a shortage of adequate lighting. In fact, people spend huge amount ensuring that they have plenty of natural light in their homes and offices Lighting through windows is natural which allows you to get better communication between your exterior world and interior world. Adequate windows allow you to feel less isolated. In addition to this, it is a source of vitamin D, which is very essential to your health.

Therefore it is important that you follow some basic guidelines as per Vastu:-
Bigger windows that let in natural light make working or just relaxing far more enjoyable. It allows you to look out at the beauty of nature. Windows are regarded as the eyes of the house. So every house need to have a bigger window to allow adequate amounts of light and energy to infuse your environment

Room with a smaller window don’t let in enough natural lights to the house. You feel tired here.
Potted plants & hanging basket plants at the window boxes can draw the energy into your home. Plant are very important as they filter the air, increases oxygen and energize a house with live positive energy. Any dried plants that you have in your windows must be discarded as they are lifeless and thus represent dead energy.

Square or rectangular windows are considered good as per vastu. Avoid arched windows which is not a harmonious design.

A situation where a window open to the east allows the sunlight to come into the home earliest in the morning. Windows at North & West is also considered good except at southwest corner which should be covered with curtain most of the time.
Colour of the curtain is equally important & can highly impact the quality of energy entering through windows. When putting curtains ensure that you get the right color according to the room. There should be a different color for children room, Bedroom as well as living area. Each room represents a different mood based on its utilization. So window curtain should always match with this requirement.

Pull all the curtains back during the day time to allow natural sunlight to give the positive energy to your house.

Many Vastu consultant recommends hanging of wind chimes, crystal etc. which are used to attract the positive flow of energy inside the home.

Nitien parmar, vastu consultant, Mumbai

How Vastu Shastra Can Help Me Sell Resell My UnSold Flats & Properties?

How Vastu Shastra Can Help Me Sell Resell My UnSold Flats & Properties?

Vastu Shastra , an ancient science has numerous practical applications. Nowadays it is also used as a problem-solving tool.
When established principles of the Vastu Shastra are applied with a proper understanding to the environment of the home or office, watch the changes. It can be fascinating and profitable. If you are planning to sale your house, then vastu is an amazing tool to make your selling effort result oriented.
There are many things that the owner or agent may incorporate in the home to "attract" the interested potential buyer. Good natural as well as artificial lights, beautifully arranged furniture, green pathway, live plants, nice lobby, lovely entrance etc if placed according to the vastu, will make vibrations very positive. All this arrangement can be done very easily, inexpensively and without altering the general style or trends already established in the premises.
Selling a house is a very personal and emotional issue because you and your family have developed a strong attachment to the home over the years. Houses are more than just a structure; they are homes and places of wonderful memories. Everyone must be sincerely mentally and emotionally prepared to let go – a process which can be difficult. If all but is still hanging emotionally with the house, the sale cannot occur because those feelings are blocking the flow of energy that fosters the chances of a sale of the house.

How Vastu Can Help Builders & Real Estate Agents in Selling their Unsold Property ( CASE STUDY)

A real estate agent in Santacruz had a problem of not being able to resell a 3BHK apartment/home which was at fabulous & prime location. He has shown it to many families & everyone has shown great interest. Most of them assured this agent that they will come back soon as they liked the house. There was no sell inspite of buyers liked it & this process took about 8-10 months. Owner of the house has lost the hope of selling even less than the quoted price. I had worked with this estate agent in past for other clients, so he called me to check this house also if any solution can be found.
I visited the home and upon entering from the main entrance, I was greeted by the dark lobby. Inside the house, everything was fine and welcoming. I just suggested a few plants and good light at the entrance. I also suggested to do salt water cure and to sprinkle a eucalyptus with water in the whole house. The home sold within a week for more than the asking price. So simple solutions & a great result.
-This article was published in DNA newspaper author Nitien Parmar
Additional notes:-
Placing a property sale yantra inside the wishing pyramid at north-east brings positive results.

Vastu Remedies for Vastu defects

Vastu Remedies for Vastu defects

According to vastu concept, the house should be symmetrical like the human body. When it is of irregular shaped, it will affect the occupant's well-being. 
Vastu Shastra is a living language of the relationship between people and their environment. The function of vaastu is to create healthy, comfortable and vibrant harmonious environments for working and living.
With so much being said about the magical powers of vastu, and so many people being attracted to the practice, we bring you some practical advice on vastu remedies in some of the major areas at the home & a business that could be bettered using the principles of Vastu Shastra.

The practice of Vastu Shastra does not require the drastic reconstruction of the premises. Often, all that is required is a relocation of furniture, color management & use of plants, gadgets or some enhancers to rectify/ minimize the effect of 
vastu dosha. The purpose is to create and attract good energy.

How Vastu remedies work?

In modern living, where the environment at the macro level is highly influenced by many factors beyond our control, micro level energy correction done with empowered remedies can effectively bring in and retain health, wealth, harmony and happiness in the life.
Mankind, throughout the history has created the rich, culturally specific symbols with meaning. These symbols impact our subconscious mind which makes up about 95% of our mind frame. When these symbols are of specific geometric shape, size, colors and meaning, it results in transforming of energy- the vital force that governs entire universe.

Vastu is a pure science of vibrations for setting the things correctly and balances the five elements that are Earth, Fire, Water, Space, and Air to have the maximum benefit out of life. 

Types of Vastu Remedies

Natural crystals
Crystals are one of the best gifts from mother earth. All natural crystals have programming built into them, and much of this programming has to do with maintaining the earth's energy field. Hematite,  Pyrite, Labradorite crystal, Quartz Crystals, Rose Quartz, Tiger Eye, Red Jasper Pyramids, Blue Lapiz Crystals etc. are the effective vastu tools available to correct vastu defects like the wrong location of entrance, washrooms (toilets), kitchen, bedrooms etc. Citrine quartz, Rough cluster of black tourmaline, amethyst cave,  fluorite rock, and tiger rock is the latest remedies for some specific vastu problems. e.g. vastu defect in the  Southwest corner can be easily corrected by using natural quartz in combination with the pyrite rock (earth element )  It also helps in enhancing a relationship and family prosperity. Some crystal pendants and angels can also be used for personal energy corrections.
vastu fengshui reiki healing crystal remedies
Virtual Vastu remedies
 Many physical placements which cannot be shifted can be corrected with the virtual remedies. Virtual shifters & arrows (Pyramid shift arrows, Pyramid clockwise arrow), Virtual partitions(cut off the energy), Virtual fire elements etc.(alternative to the element)  are few simple remedies used for the vastu corrections. When your main door or bedroom door (even office door)  is opening in an anti-clock manner and you may not in a  position to change the movement, installation of a   copper pyramid clockwise arrow is a simple but effective solution available to you.
In the Middle and the Far East, the pyramid has been a good luck symbol for thousands of years. The perfect "sacred" geometry of the pyramid is believed to have the power to clear negative energies, both in the environment and within the mind of the person connected. The universal appeal of the pyramid has been captured perfectly through its pointed apex. Experiments conducted on small prototypes of Pyramids reveals that indeed there exists an unexplained power inside the pyramids.

The shape of the pyramid is an amplified-receiver of various kinds of energy fields surrounding our planet i.e. Cosmic rays, electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, etc. Pyramid creates a spherical field of harmonic vibrations around itself. Everything within that field begins moving towards harmony. Pyramid made from  Lead, Brass, Zinc, copper, crystal, and wood gives a wonderful result when used under the guidance of vastu expert.  A consultant guides you about the number of pyramids to be used based on the area of your premises. A small dose of the pyramid for the big area or a  large quantity of pyramid for the smaller room will not give any desired result.
Pyramids can be used inside the plot, under the tiles, between the walls and over the door frame at your office, home or factory.
Pyramids are not only used to remove the vastu defects but can also be installed for improving the positive vibes in the home and business for more success, harmony and peace.
vastu pyramid remedies
Plants & Tree
 Plants represent a new life and growth. Any Healthy plants bring natural energy into your house. Vastu describes several trees which spread peace and happiness through their invisible aura around human abodes. A pine tree, bamboo plants, tulsi, eucalyptus, and jasmine plants are highly recommended during the vastu consultation.
Mirrors are used to expand any area which according to vastu may be a missing corner. Mirrors are also used to "double" and enhance any images and products that you may be displaying. 
Open up the windows and let the sunlight in. Welcome beauty and nourishing energy to your house. Light is our best nutrient and has been called the medicine of the future. We have seen many houses putting curtain even during the first part of the day. Make a habit of paying attention to how much good quality light you actually enjoy throughout the day, as well as the quality and number of the indoor light sources in your house or office. This vaastu remedy includes lighting, mirrors, transparent bricks and reflective paint.
The human body is a bio-electrical system which can be altered, strengthened, and/or balanced through the use of sound. Similarly, sound healing can also be used for making your premises in harmony. You can use metal bells, Tibetan bell or wind chimes as a cure to create vibrant sound energy. Also, Wind chimes are placed to uplift energy in areas that are prone to stagnation. They can also be placed to uplift or raise the profile of a house that may be affected by poor surrounding.
sound space healing vastu

Colors affect people physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically. There is a whole science that focuses on how color affects us as well as our surrounding.
Yellow is an excellent color to use in an office. It is good to use in any room where you want to feel mentally uplifted and wish to stimulate conversation.
Pink; purple is linked with romance. Hence it is ideal for the couple bedroom.
Orange, Royal blue and yellow in the kid's room encourages concentration, confidence, self-motivation, and enthusiasm.
Green & Lemon yellow are associated with the nourishing energy and are most suitable for the kitchen.
Nitien Parmar ( Vastu Shastra Consultant
Vastu remedies are available at
vastu remedies

Children Zone – A Vastu guidelines

Children Zone – A Vastu guidelines
Everyone in the house needs a sense of support and connection in their private space, but this is particularly important for growing young minds and hearts. A children room should support him or her both within the context of the family and as an individual. Children are more in touch with their feelings and also more sensitive to their environment

Here are a few simple tips you may want to keep in mind, while designing/rearranging your child room:-
Pay attention to the pictures or paintings on the walls, you might be surprised by its significance in affecting your child’s behavior on a subconscious level. It’s important to evaluate the message the paintings may be sending. Is it inspiring, encouraging, creative or positive? Or is it sending the wrong message? Some scenes like crying child or child in sad mood may actually drain energy from a room.
The plant is a symbol of growth. Place some live plants in their room. It is important that the plants are well cared for and that they remain healthy and vibrant.
Children love nature. Colour is an easy way to bring the essence of nature inside the room. Use of natural shades like green for life, orange for growth, yellow for stability and blue for vision are highly recommended in the children zone. Grey should be avoided as this will make a children depressed & becomes lethargic.
Most important, children room should be clutter free. Old clothing, old toys & unusable stationeries forms major clutter in the children room. Make sure that you remove these frequently to make a space for new vibrant energy necessary for the growth of the child. The room should have a feeling of freshness and positive energy.
East is a source of positive energy. Place a bed of children in such a way that his/her head is on the east side. Sleeping position in any other direction affects the child’s quality of sleep.
Mirrors in the children bedroom should be placed carefully. Bed reflecting in the mirror can cause a problem of a bad dream for the children.

Displaying the future goal & showcasing their achievement can inspire them to work harder.
Computer, mobile, television and other electronics gadgets created an electrostress in the room making children moodiness and anger in nature. Limit the exposure to such devices in the children bedroom
It is rightly said that there are no bad children, only bad behavior and our environment affects our behavior.
Nitien parmar

Is Your Home Healthy?- vastu guidelines

Is Your Home Healthy? - vastu guidelines

Good health is above the wealth. That’s because you cannot truly be a wealthy person if you do not have sound health. In today's environment, staying healthy and fit is vitally important.
As our lives are certainly not getting easier, the need to create a healthy and vibrant home environment cannot be overestimated. We have to have a safe, peaceful and energetically balanced space where our bodies can let down the daylong protective shield and focus on regenerating and self-healing.

Understanding some very basic vastu arrangement inside the house can help you to make profound changes toward better health for you and your loved ones. Health is the foundation stone for creating wealth and the ability to enjoy the wealth created. Your health is directly connected to your environment. You can improve your life and business by proper planning of home and work environment with the help of Vastu Shastra.

Energy Drain

In addition to the bad habits and sedentary lifestyle, there are other factors which also are equally responsible for the poor health. Your home environment could be a key element in the health condition of the family. Make your home clutter-free. Clutter is defined as unorganized things you do not love, that are unfinished and take up space within your home & life. Clutter-free environment makes you stress-free. However, there are a number of vastu techniques that you can use to stop the energy drain.

Good colors and lightings

Colour has a powerful effect on your mood & behavior. Each color is an expression of a certain kind of energy. Color is able not only to affect our mood but also has an influence on our health. If you have a too dark color in your home then you could suffer from depression, allergies & colds.

Lighting transforms a space. The use and moderation of light, be it natural or artificial, is important in Vastu, as it influences and defines the atmosphere of a home. It also has a powerful effect on our personalities and can depress, stimulate or relax us. Rooms that are poorly lit are depressing and can strain the eyes. Create a more restful environment with lights, and rooms become soothing and comfortable, helping us to unwind from outside stresses in a calming and nurturing environment.

Check at your health sector?

The health corner of the home is located in the east sector, a direction of a sun – a vital energy force. Is there a bathroom/toilet there? Is there a storeroom ? If so, you will want to make it as clean and clear as possible. Use of rock salt, crystal, sun painting and colors in this area can effectively neutralize the negatives of the wrong placement.

Is your bedroom is located in the proper direction?

The bedroom is one of the critical areas of the house. Make sure the bed is positioned correctly and in the positive direction. Eliminate views to the bathroom or toilet or mirror or water feature. Clear off surfaces regularly, making the room as clean and clear as possible. Make this room as healthful as possible.

If you suffer from insomnia, it is a good idea to look at your bedroom and determine how you can improve its energy flow in order to promote a good night’s sleep. Some common causes of sleep problems include too many mirrors in the bedroom, colors that are too bright instead of muted or objects that tend to create "poor energy," and objects stored under the bed, which generate stagnant, negative energy that is absorbed by your body when you’re in bed.

Are there health symbols around your house?

According to vastu & even feng shui, certain objects, and symbols promote longevity and good health. These include the sun, deer, bamboo plants, crystals, fountains etc. Even pictures that feature the elements of vastu are considered to be auspicious health symbols.

Some people put fish tanks or water fountains either for decoration or suggested by the consultant. Make certain you have clean fish tanks or fountains. Dirty water equates to poor health and vitality, poor energy and it can affect your finances, too!

Create a healthy environment with Vastu Shastra and begin to change the way you feel.

These are general guidelines which can be safely applied to your house. However, if you are serious about achieving sound health, then a personalized consultation is recommended.

Nitien Parmar

Vastu for Resort / Hotel / Restaurant / Motels / Dhaba / & Cafe

Vastu for Resort / Hotel / Restaurant / Motels / Dhaba / & Cafe

Vastu Shastra is a precious cosmic science from the ancient Indian architecture, which benefits to the people who adopt it irrespective of any religion. It involves important principles of constructing a building by taking advantage of nature’s five basic elements (Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Space) forming the universe. People today realize that the environment does affect you and the vastu is a key to understanding how our surroundings have an influence on us.

Vastu is gaining acceptance all over the world both by businesses and individuals. It is considered a hot trend even in U S A. There is presently an estimated 300 million dollars of Vastu related construction going on in the U.S. only. Vastu has become a worldwide trend including a hotel industry for attracting more guests to their places.

The Hospitality industry relies on quality service and facilities for the repeat business. If the hotel has a vastu design then the guest will feel comfortable, relaxed and welcomed immediately.

Creative design with vastu norms has much to offer the hospitality industry. Hotel, restaurants, and cafes in order to encourage more people to visit them should incorporate precious vastu design in their layout.

When vastu norms are properly implemented at Hotel /Restaurant or Café, it helps to create an environment that enhances the guests’ experience. The result is a satisfied guest who will return over and over for repeat order/stay.

The key placement to consider in a hotel & Restaurant’s vastu arrangement is the careful positioning of entrances, main counters, table arrangements and even more importantly the kitchen.

Entrance to the hotel should be welcoming and easy to find and access. It is a gateway to the wealth and success. Entrance in order to make it auspicious, it should be in the positive direction marked by an experienced vastu expert. Any obstacles in front of the main entrance could result in difficulty in getting new as well as repeat customers. When a hotel driveway warmly welcomes you with beautiful plants & flowers, an exotic water fountain and a smiling-greeting doorman, you are immediately satisfied even before you step into the lobby area.
Seating arrangement:- Tables and chairs should be in a harmonious arrangement preferably in alignment with the magnetic axis. The customers should be facing east or west while taking food or drink at the restaurant. Square or rectangular table with little round corner is preferred to avoid conflict and discomfort at the site.

Kitchen:- Harmony and efficiency in the kitchen is the key to any hotel or restaurant's success. As the kitchen uses most two important elements of the vastu i.e. fire & water, it is an area prone to conflict. For the success of any hotel or restaurant, it is advisable to put the kitchen in the fire corner of the site. Taste of the food cooked in the southeast corner is much better pulling much more customers with frequent visits. There are a lesser number of complaints about the food quality and service if the kitchen is made at the fire corner.

Colors:- Use warm colors like orange, yellow, cream & brown in the interior as well as menu design. These colors are more conducive to the nourishing and enjoyable experience of eating. Too much use of cool shades like grey and green may gradually lower customer turnover.

Following are important points to be considered while designing a layout for hotel/resort or restaurant:-

• The surroundings of the hotel like roads, structures, river, canals, mountains etc.
• Location of the Main Entrance
• The direction of the reception
• Location of the Cash Counter
• Location and direction of Tranquility zone (Meditation area)
• Location of the Owner Cabin
• Location of storeroom
• The seating arrangement of the guest in case of a restaurant
• Location of the kitchen
• Location and placement inside each room in the hotel
• Colour of each section of the hotel e.g. entrance lobby, reception, café area, guest room, kitchen, gymnasium, spa, accounts, Owner’s cabin, staff quarters etc.
• Location of the water body like an underground water tank, swimming pool, fountains, overhead water tanks etc.
• Location of electricity room
• Placement of windows, AC’s etc.
• Location of a waste disposal area

These are general guidelines for the design and placement that can be safely applied to your establishment. However, if you are serious about achieving a perfectly balanced and beautiful hotel or restaurant environment, then a personalized consultation is recommended for your success in business and memorable dining experience for your valued guests.
Nitien Parmar

Vastu for Industries & Corporate Business

Industries & Business – Vastu ways

Demand for Vastu Shastra is increasing in the Industrialist / Business / Corporate world. Creating a harmonious environment is just as important in your business as it is in your home, for business generates your income.

Studies prove that when the work environment is optimized, productivity increases by 50%. By utilizing vastu techniques, it can improve workers/employees morale, customer satisfaction and overall success in business.

When to apply Vastu Shastra for your Industries or Business:-

• At the time of planning a new project
• Restructuring the existing manufacturing unit
• If you are finding difficulty in production, employee harmony at your unit
Important points to be considered while following Vastu Shastra for Industry:-
• Plot Size & location:- The plot should be ideally facing the cardinal direction i.e. North-South, East-West. A tilt of 10 to 12 degree is acceptable. Surrounding of the site should also to be considered while buying a plot for the industry. Placement like Water element (river, cannel, pond ), Earth element (mountain), Fire element( electric pole, transformer) should be carefully observed.
• Main Entrance of the Plot & Factory:- Entrance of the factory which is of prime importance should be marked at the exact location with the help of vastu expert. Each direction has a positive as well as negative blocks and hence the opening of a door should be at the perfect point as suggested in the vastu plan.
• Location of the Main Machinery:- Machinery being a heavy component should be placed at a weight zone of the entire constructed part. Any heavy machinery kept at free zone will cause a poor production for the unit.
• Location of Cooling plant, Water tank etc:- Placing water body at appropriate location brings mass production with better quality. Wrong location of water element affects the quality of the product manufactured in the unit.
• Location of Fire gadgets like a boiler, control panel, transformer, furnace etc:- These are the important components of the fire element of vastu. Like kitchen in the house, electricity (transformer) is a key factor in the prosperity and growth of the business unit. Warm fire corner brings much more productivity for the business
• Location of Raw Material & Finished Goods:- Finished goods move faster if they are placed in the wind zone of the factory. This also depends upon the weight of the raw material and finished goods.
• Worker placement - Workers facing to energy direction brings much more production. Forbidden direction should be avoided as this brings a frequent absenteeism from the workers.

• Location of Canteen:- Canteen being a fire element should be placed at a proper location to have sound health of the workers and staff.
• Location of Office at factory:- Administrative office of the unit should be ideally at the master zone to have effective control over the entire unit.
• The direction of Septic & toilets:- Toilet and septic can bring serious bad luck for the unit if they are placed at the energy zone of the unit. Careful planning is required while drawing a factory layout.
• Colors for interior & exterior of the factory:- Colours can elevate or depress the mood of the people working in the unit. Based on the business activity & direction, colors should be selected carefully
• The direction of the lower / higher zone:- This being an important point to be considered while planning the elevation & floors, so energy zone are kept more open to access cosmic vibrations.
• Roof arrangements:- Slope of the roof towards the wrong direction should be avoided.
• Workers & Staff quarters:- Workers or staff becomes dominating if they are placed in the master zone. They become sick and energy-less, if placed at spiritual corners. Their rooms, sleeping directions and door entrance should be designed according to vastu rules to bring harmony at wworkplaceOther key considerations:-
• Factory guest house
• Dry zone/Wet zone
• Tranquility zone
• Road & plot boundary / Fence

Nitien Parmar

"The Power of Ivy Plants in Vastu Practice: Enhance Your Home's Energy with Greenery" In the ancient practice of  Vastu or e...